[AND the tribe of] Thamud gave the lie to all [Our] warnings
(The tribe of) Thamud rejected warning
The Thamud (also) rejected (their) Warners
Thamûd rejected the warnings ˹as well˺,
The people of Thamud rejected the warnings
The tribe of Thamud also rejected Our warnings
Samood rejected the warning
Thamud denied the warning
Thamud rejected My warnings too
Thamud (people) denied the warnings,
Thamud denied the warnings
Samud (people) belied the warnings
The people of Thamud disbelieved Our warning
Thamood rejected the warnings
Thamud cried lies to the warnings
The people of Thamud rejected Our warnings
(The people of) Thamud rejected the warners
Thamud also rejected the warnings. (Thamud and Saleh (7:73-79), (11:61-68), (26:141), (26:158))
The (people of) Samood also rejected the warnings
The (people of) Samood (Thamud), also rejected (their) Warners
Thamud denied the warnin
Thamud rejected the warnings
The people of Thamud also rejected the warnings
And the Thamud belied the warnings
The Thamud rejected the warnings
Thamud denied the warnings.
The (tribe of) Thamud also denied all the warnings (given to them)
[The people of] Thamud denied the warnings
Thamud rejected the warning
Thamud denied the warnings
The Thamud rejected their warners
The people of Thamud also denied Our warnings.
Thamud gave the lie to the warnings
Thamud rejected the warnings.
(The ancient tribe of) Thamood rejected warnings
Thamud belied the Messengers.
Thamoud rejected the warnings.
Thamood, too, belied Our warnings
Surely We sent on them a furious wind in a day of bitter ill-luck
Thamud lied/denied with the warnings/notices
The tribe of Thamud also denied their warnings
The tribe of Thamud denied the Noble Messengers
The tribe of Thamud also rejected the Warners
(The people of) Thamud also rejected the Warning Messengers
(The tribe of) Thamud (too in rejecting Salih) cried lies to all the (Divine) Warners
Thamood (people also) belied the warnings
Thamood cried lies to the warning
Thamud charged the admonitions of their prophet with falsehood
Thamud called the warnings lies
The tribe of Themoud treated the threatenings as lies
Thamūd, too, disbelieved the warnings
The Thamud rejected the warnings.
Thamud rejected My warnings too
And Thamud also denied.
Samood were deniers of the warnings,
And likewise acted -the Thamudites-; they disbelieved their Messenger and they obstinately refused to listen to the warning against impending danger and misfortune