Has he made one God of many gods? Undoubtedly, this is a strange thing.
"Did he make the gods into one god? This is really strange."
What, has he made the gods One God? This is indeed a wondrous thing.
Makes he the gods a single God? Surely this is a strange thing
Did he make the gods one god? That (E) that (is an) astounding/surprising thing (E)
Mohammad has come with the idea of One God instead of so many gods that we have! What a weird idea
“Has he made all the gods into One God? This is really something very strange!”
`What ! has he made all the gods into one God? This is, indeed, an astounding thing.
Has he turned all the gods into one God? That is indeed a very strange thing!
`Has he turned (the whole lot of) gods (we worshipped) into One God? Very strange indeed is this thing.
"Has he made the aliha (gods) (all) into One Ilah (God - Allah). Verily, this is a curious thing!"