| | Syed Vickar Ahamed rendition of Surah The Overthrowing, The Cessation(at-Takwir) --- |
81:1 | | When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up |
81:2 | | When the stars fall, losing their glitter |
81:3 | | When the mountains vanish (like a dream) |
81:4 | | When the she camels, ten months with young are left untended |
81:5 | | When the wild beasts are herded together (in human habitations) |
81:6 | | When the oceans boil over with a swell |
81:7 | | When the souls are sorted out, (Put together, righteous with righteous and unrighteous with unrighteous |
81:8 | | When the female (infant) buried alive, is questione |
81:9 | | For what crime she was killed |
81:10 | | When the books of deeds are laid open |
81:11 | | When the world on High (heavens) is made visible |
81:12 | | When the fire of Hell is set to a fierce burn |
81:13 | | And when the Garden (of the heavens) is brought near |
81:14 | | (Then) shall each soul know what it has brought (forward for this Day) |
81:15 | | So truly I call to witness the receding stars that hide awa |
81:16 | | Go straight, or hide |
81:17 | | And the night as it comes to an end |
81:18 | | And the (glorious) morning as it moves away the darkness |
81:19 | | Surely this is the Word of a most honorable Messenger, [The Angel, Gabriel] |
81:20 | | Given the power with rank before the Lord of the Throne |
81:21 | | With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust |
81:22 | | And (O people!), your companion (the Prophet) is not one who is possessed |
81:23 | | And without doubt he (the Prophet) saw him (the messenger from Allah) in the clear horizon |
81:24 | | And he does not withhold purposely any knowledge of the unseen |
81:25 | | And it is not the word of an evil spirit that is outcast |
81:26 | | Where, then are you going |
81:27 | | Surely, this is the Message to (all jinns and men, all the) creations of the worlds |
81:28 | | (With guidance) to each one among you who is willing to walk straight |
81:29 | | But you shall not make up your mind except as Allah the Lord of the worlds (Rab-Al-'Ala'meen), wishes |