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Laleh Bakhtiar - Concordance of the Sublime Quran
Hans Wehr - Dictionary of Modern Arabic


to pour forth, rain to in large drops, pursue eagerly.


n.m. vb.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لاَ تَقْتُلُوا الصَّيْدَ وَأَنْتُمْ حُرُم ٌ وَمَنْ قَتَلَه ُُ مِنْكُمْ مُتَعَمِّدا ً فَجَزَاء ٌ مِثْلُ مَا قَتَلَ مِنَ النَّعَمِ يَحْكُمُ بِه ِِ ذَوَا عَدْل ٍ مِنْكُمْ هَدْيا ً بَالِغَ الْكَعْبَةِ أَوْ كَفَّارَة ٌ طَعَامُ مَسَاكِينَ أَوْ عَدْلُ ذَلِكَ صِيَاما ً لِيَذُوقَ وَبَالَ أَمْرِه ِِ عَفَا اللَّهُ عَمَّا سَلَفَ وَمَنْ عَادَ فَيَنتَقِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْهُ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيز ٌ ذُو انتِقَام ٍ
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lā Taqtulū Aş-Şayda Wa 'Antum Ĥurumun Wa Man Qatalahu Minkum Muta`ammidāan Fajazā'un Mithlu Mā Qatala Mina An-Na`ami Yaĥkumu Bihi Dhawā `Adlin Minkum Hadyāan Bāligha Al-Ka`bati 'Aw Kaffāratun Ţa`āmu Masākīna 'Aw `Adlu Dhālika Şiyāmāan Liyadhūqa Wabāla 'Amrihi `Afā Allāhu `Ammā Salafa Wa Man `Āda Fayantaqimu Allāhu Minhu Wa Allāhu `Azīzun Dhū Antiqāmin

O you who believe, do not kill any game while you are restricted; and whoever of you kills it deliberately, then the recompense is to value what was killed against the livestock, which shall be judged by two equitable persons from you, and to make it as a donation to reach the Base. Or, its expiation shall be in using it to feed the needy ones, while he abstains from it; that is to suffer the results of his deed; God forgives what has past. And whoever returns, then God will seek vengeance on him. God is Noble, capable of vengeance.

كَمَثَلِ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ قَرِيبا ً ذَاقُوا وَبَالَ أَمْرِهِمْ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيم ٌ
Kamathali Al-Ladhīna Min Qablihim Qarībāan Dhāqū Wabāla 'Amrihim Wa Lahum `Adhābun 'Alīmun

Like the example of those who preceded them. They suffered the consequences of their decisions. They have incurred a painful retribution.

أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ نَبَأُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ قَبْلُ فَذَاقُوا وَبَالَ أَمْرِهِمْ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيم ٌ
'Alam Ya'tikum Naba'u Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Min Qablu Fadhāqū Wabāla 'Amrihim Wa Lahum `Adhābun 'Alīmun

Did the news not come to you of those who had rejected before? They had tasted the consequences of their decision and they incurred a painful retribution.

فَذَاقَتْ وَبَالَ أَمْرِهَا وَكَانَ عَاقِبَةُ أَمْرِهَا خُسْرا ً
Fadhāqat Wabāla 'Amrihā Wa Kāna `Āqibatu 'Amrihā Khusrāan

They tasted the result of their actions, and the consequence of their actions was a total loss.


n.m vb.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لاَ تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى كَالَّذِي يُنفِقُ مَالَه ُُ رِئَاءَ النَّاسِ وَلاَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ فَمَثَلُه ُُ كَمَثَلِ صَفْوَانٍ عَلَيْهِ تُرَاب ٌ فَأَصَابَه ُُ وَابِل ٌ فَتَرَكَه ُُ صَلْدا ً لاَ يَقْدِرُونَ عَلَى شَيْء ٍ مِمَّا كَسَبُوا وَاللَّهُ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lā Tubţilū Şadaqātikum Bil-Manni Wa Al-'Adhá Kālladhī Yunfiqu Mālahu Ri'ā'a An-Nāsi Wa Lā Yu'uminu Billāhi Wa Al-Yawmi Al-'Ākhiri Famathaluhu Kamathali Şafwānin `Alayhi Turābun Fa'aşābahu Wa Abilun Fatarakahu Şaldāan Lā Yaqdirūna `Alá Shay'in Mimmā Kasabū Wa Allāhu Lā Yahdī Al-Qawma Al-Kāfirīna

O you who believe, do not nullify your charities with insult and harm; like the one who spends his money in vanity to show off to the people, and he does not believe in God and the Last Day. His example is like a stone on which there is dust, then it is subjected to a heavy rain which leaves it bare. They cannot do anything with what they have earned; and God does not guide the rejecting people.

وَمَثَلُ الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاةِ اللَّهِ وَتَثْبِيتا ً مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ كَمَثَلِ جَنَّة ٍ بِرَبْوَةٍ أَصَابَهَا وَابِل ٌ فَآتَتْ أُكُلَهَا ضِعْفَيْنِ فَإِنْ لَمْ يُصِبْهَا وَابِل ٌ فَطَلّ ٌ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِير ٌ
Wa Mathalu Al-Ladhīna Yunfiqūna 'Amwālahumu Abtighā'a MarĐāati Allāhi Wa Tathbītāan Min 'Anfusihim Kamathali Jannatin Birabwatin 'Aşābahā Wa Abilun Fa'ātat 'Ukulahā Đi`fayni Fa'in Lam Yuşibhā Wa Abilun Faţallun Wa Allāhu Bimā Ta`malūna Başīrun

And the example of those who spend their money seeking the grace of God, and to save their souls, is like the example of a garden that is on a high ground and is subjected to a heavy rain, and because of that it produces double its crop. And if no heavy rain comes, then it still gives enough. And God is Seer of what you do.

وَمَثَلُ الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاةِ اللَّهِ وَتَثْبِيتا ً مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ كَمَثَلِ جَنَّة ٍ بِرَبْوَةٍ أَصَابَهَا وَابِل ٌ فَآتَتْ أُكُلَهَا ضِعْفَيْنِ فَإِنْ لَمْ يُصِبْهَا وَابِل ٌ فَطَلّ ٌ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِير ٌ
Wa Mathalu Al-Ladhīna Yunfiqūna 'Amwālahumu Abtighā'a MarĐāati Allāhi Wa Tathbītāan Min 'Anfusihim Kamathali Jannatin Birabwatin 'Aşābahā Wa Abilun Fa'ātat 'Ukulahā Đi`fayni Fa'in Lam Yuşibhā Wa Abilun Faţallun Wa Allāhu Bimā Ta`malūna Başīrun

And the example of those who spend their money seeking the grace of God, and to save their souls, is like the example of a garden that is on a high ground and is subjected to a heavy rain, and because of that it produces double its crop. And if no heavy rain comes, then it still gives enough. And God is Seer of what you do.


فَعَصَى فِرْعَوْنُ الرَّسُولَ فَأَخَذْنَاهُ~ُ أَخْذا ً وَبِيلا ً
Fa`aşá Fir`awnu Ar-Rasūla Fa'akhadhnāhu 'Akhdhāan Wabīlāan

But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger, so We took him in a severe manner.

Lelah Bakhtiar
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Hans Wehr
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would like to thank all those who made these Root Pages possible.

In their formulation we have drawn from the work of ...
 Hans Wehr 
  Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
  All the believers at www.studyquran.org