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Those who disbelieved from the People of the Book (i.e., Scripture) and the polytheists were not going to depart ˹from their disbelief˺ until the Clear Evidence come to them
A Messenger from Allah, reciting Purified Scrolls (i.e., pages)
within which are Correct Writings (i.e., Divine Message)
And those who were given the Book (i.e., Scripture) did not become divided (i.e., split up in secs) except from after what came to them as the Clear Evidence
And they were not commanded except to Worship Allah ˹Alone˺, ˹being˺ sincere to Him in the religion, as monotheists (i.e., upright true believer) and to establish the Salat (i.e., prayer) and to give the Zakat (i.e., alms-tax) and that is the Correct Religion 
Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book (i.e., Scripture) and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay therein forever. Those are they the worst of the creatures
Indeed, those who believe and do the righteous deeds, those are they the best of the creatures
Their reward with their Lord ˹Allah˺ will be Gardens of Eternity (i.e., Paradise), from underneath which the rivers flow, they will stay therein forever and ever, Allâh will be pleased with them (i.e., believers), and they will be pleased with Him ˹Allah˺. That is for whoever feared his Lord ˹Allah˺ (i.e., in their worldly life)