9:38 O you who believe! What (is the matter) with you when it is said to you go forth in (the) way (of) Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life (of) the world (rather) than the Hereafter? But what (is the) enjoyment (of) the life (of) the world in (comparison to) the hereafter except a little.
ir'taḍā (Word Translations: 2)
He approves - (Concordance entries: 1)
21:28 He knows what (is) between their hands and what (is) behind them, and not they (can) intercede except for whom He approves. And they, from fear of Him, stand in awe.
He has approved - (Concordance entries: 2)
24:55 (has) promised Allah those who believe among you and do righteous deeds, He will grant them succession in the earth, as He gave succession to those who from (were) before them, and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and surely He will change for from after their fear, security (for) they worship Me, not they associate with Me anything. But whoever disbelieved after that, then those [they] (are) the defiantly disobedien
72:27 Except whom He has approved of a Messenger, and indeed, He makes to march from (from) between hands and from behind him a guard,
tarāḍin (Word Translations: 1)
mutual consent - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:233 And the mothers shall suckle their children (for) two years complete, for whoever wishes to complete the suckling. And upon the father (on) him (is) their provision and their clothing in a fair manner. Not is burdened any soul except its capacity. Not made to suffer (the) mother because of her child and not (the) father (be) because of his child. And on the heirs (is a duty) like that. Then if they both desire weaning through mutual consent of both of them and consultation, then no blame on both of them. And if you want to ask another women to suckle your child then (there is) no blame on you, when you pay what you give in a fair manner. And fear Allah and know that Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.
4:29 O you who believe[d]! (Do) not eat your wealth between yourselves unjustly. But that (there) be business on mutual consent among you. And (do) not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is to you Most Merciful.
tarāḍaw (Word Translations: 1)
they agree - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:232 And when you divorce [the] women and they reached their (waiting) term, then (do) not hinder them [that] (from) marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever [is] among you believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last; that (is) more virtuous for you and more purer. And Allah knows and you (do) not know.
tarāḍaytum (Word Translations: 1)
you mutually agree - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:24 And (prohibited are) the ones of the women except whom you possess rightfully. Decree (of) Allah upon you. And are lawful to you what (is) beyond that; that you seek with your wealth desiring to be chaste not (to be) lustful. So what you benefit[ed] of it from them, so you give them their bridal due (as) an obligation. And (there is) no sin on you concerning what you mutually agree of it from beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
tarḍāhu (Word Translations: 2)
that will please You - (Concordance entries: 1)
27:19 So he smiled - laughing at her speech and said, "My Lord! Grant me (the) power that I may thank You (for) Your Favor which You have bestowed on me and on my parents and that I may do righteous (deeds), that will please You. And admit me by Your Mercy among Your slaves righteous."
which please You - (Concordance entries: 1)
46:15 And We have enjoined (on) man to his parents kindness. Carried him his mother (with) hardship and gave birth to him (with) hardship. And (the) bearing of him and (the) weaning of him (is) thirty month(s) until, when he reaches his maturity and reaches forty year(s), he says, "My Lord, grant me (the) power that I may be grateful (for) Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and that I do righteous (deeds) which please You, and make righteous for me among my offspring, indeed, I turn to You and indeed, I am of those who submit."
tarḍāhā (Word Translations: 1)
you will be pleased with - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:144 Indeed, We see (the) turning (of) your face towards the heaven. So We will surely turn you (to the) direction of prayer you will be pleased with. So turn your face towards the direction (of) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam and wherever that you are [so] turn your faces (in) its direction. And indeed, those who were given the Book surely know that it (is) the truth from their Lord. And not (is) Allah unaware of what they do.
tarḍaw (Word Translations: 1)
you are pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:96 They swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then indeed, Allah not (is) pleased with the people (who are) defiantly disobedien
tarḍawna (Word Translations: 1)
you agree - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:282 O you who believe[d]! When you contract with one another any debt for a term fixed then write it. And let write between you a scribe in justice. And not (should) refuse a scribe that he writes as (has) taught him Allah. So let him write and let dictate the one on whom (is) the right and let him fear Allah, his Lord, and (let him) not diminish from it anything. Then if is the one on him (is) the right, (of) limited understanding, or weak, or not capable that (can) dictate he, then let dictate his guardian with justice. And call for evidence two witnesses among your men. And if not there are two men then one man and two women of whom you agree of [the] witnesses, (so) that (if) [she] errs, one of the two, then will remind one of the two the other. And not (should) refuse the witnesses when that they are called. And not (be) weary that you write it - small or large for its term. That (is) more just near Allah, and more upright for evidence and nearer that not you (have) doubt, except that be a transaction present, you carry out among you, then not on you any sin that not you write it. And take witness when you make commercial transactio And not (should) be harmed (the) scribe and not (the) witness, and if you do, then indeed it (is) sinful conduct for you, and fear Allah. And teaches Allah. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.
tarḍawnahā (Word Translations: 1)
you delight (in) it - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:24 Say, "If are your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your spouses, and your relatives, and wealth that you have acquired and the commerce, you fear a decline (in) it and the dwellings you delight (in) it (are) more beloved to you than Allah, and His Messenger and striving in His way, then wait until brings Allah His Command. And Allah (does) not guide the people - the defiantly disobedient."
tarḍā (Word Translations: 2)
be satisfied - (Concordance entries: 1)
20:130 So be patient over what they say and glorify with praise (of) your Lord before (the) rising (of) the sun and before its setting; and from (the) hours (of) the night, and glorify (at the) ends (of) the day so that you may be satisfied.
will be pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:120 And never will be pleased with you the Jews and [not] the Christians until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, (the) Guidance (of) Allah, it (is) the Guidance." And if you follow their desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, not for you from Allah any protector and not any helper.
rāḍiyatan (Word Translations: 1)
well pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
89:28 Return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing.
9:59 And if [that] they (were) satisfied (with) what gave them Allah and His Messenger, and said, "Sufficient for us (is) Allah, will give us Allah of His Bounty and His Messenger. Indeed, we to Allah turn our hopes."
They (are) satisfied - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:93 Only the way (blame) (is) on those who ask your permission while they (are) rich. They (are) satisfied to be with those who stay behind, and sealed Allah [on] their hearts, so they (do) not know.
They (were) satisfied - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:87 They (were) satisfied to be with those who stay behind, and were sealed [on] their hearts, so they (do) not understand.
they are pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:58 And among them (is he) who criticizes you concerning the charities. Then if they are given from it, they are pleased; but if not they are given from it, then they (are) enraged.
riḍ'wāna (Word Translations: 1)
(the) pleasure - (Concordance entries: 2)
3:162 So is (the one) who pursues (the) pleasure (of) Allah like (the one) who draws on (himself) wrath of Allah and his abode (is) hell, and wretched (is) the destination?
3:174 So they returned with (the) Favor of Allah and Bounty, not touched them any harm. And they followed (the) pleasure (of) Allah, and Allah (is) Possessor (of) Bounty great.
riḍ'wāni (Word Translations: 1)
(the) pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
57:27 Then We sent on their footsteps Our Messengers and We followed with Isa, son (of) Maryam, and We gave him the Injeel. And We placed in (the) hearts (of) those who followed him compassion and mercy. But monasticism they innovated - not We prescribed it for them - only seeking (the) pleasure (of) Allah, but not they observed it (with) right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them (are) defiantly disobediently.
riḍ'wānahu (Word Translations: 1)
His pleasure - (Concordance entries: 2)
5:16 Guides with it Allah (those) who seek His pleasure (to the) ways (of) the peace, and brings them out from the darknessess to the light by His permission, and guides them to (the) way, straight.
47:28 That (is) because they followed what angered Allah and hated His pleasure, so He made worthless their deeds.
raḍiya (Word Translations: 3)
(will be) pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
98:8 Their reward (is) with their Lord - Gardens (of) Eternity, flow from underneath them the rivers, will abide therein forever. (will be) pleased Allah with them and they (will be) pleased with Him. That (is) for whoever feared his Lord.
is pleased - (Concordance entries: 3)
5:119 will say Allah, "This Day will profit the truthful their truthfulness." For them (are) Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers will abide in it forever." is pleased Allah with them and they are pleased with Him. That (is) the success, the great.
9:100 And the forerunners, the first among the emigrants and the helpers and those who followed them in righteousness, is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. And He has prepared for them Gardens flows underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. That (is) the success the great.
58:22 not You will find a people who believe in Allah and the Day the Last loving (those) who oppose Allah and His Messenger even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with a spirit from Him. And He will admit them (to) Gardens, flow from underneath it the rivers, will abide forever in it. is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. Those (are the) party (of) Allah. No doubt! Indeed, (the) party (of) Allah, they (are) the successful ones.
was pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
48:18 Certainly was pleased Allah with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what (was) in their hearts, so He sent down the tranquility upon them and rewarded them (with) a victory near,
raḍītum (Word Translations: 1)
were satisfied - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:83 Then if returns you Allah to a group of them, and they ask you permission to go out, then say, "Never will you come out with me ever and never will you fight with me any enemy. Indeed, you were satisfied with sitting (the) first time, so sit with those who stay behind."
raḍiyyan (Word Translations: 1)
pleasing - (Concordance entries: 1)
19:6 Who will inherit me and inherit from (the) family (of) Yaqub. And make him my Lord, pleasing."
fatarḍā (Word Translations: 1)
then you will be satisfied - (Concordance entries: 1)
93:5 And soon will give you your Lord then you will be satisfied.
litarḍaw (Word Translations: 1)
that you may be pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:96 They swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then indeed, Allah not (is) pleased with the people (who are) defiantly disobedien
litarḍā (Word Translations: 1)
that You be pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
20:84 He said, "They (are) close upon my tracks, and I hastened to you my Lord, that You be pleased."
liyur'ḍūkum (Word Translations: 1)
to please you - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:62 They swear by Allah to you to please you. And Allah and His Messenger (have) more right that they should please Him, if they are believers.
marḍāta (Word Translations: 1)
(to) please - (Concordance entries: 1)
66:1 O Prophet! Why (do) you prohibit what has made lawful Allah for you, seeking (to) please your wives? And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
marḍāti (Word Translations: 2)
(the) pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:265 And (the) example (of) those who spend their wealth seeking (the) pleasure (of) Allah, and certainty from their (inner) souls, (is) like a garden on a height, fell on it heavy rain so it yielded its harvest double. Then if (does) not fall (on) it heavy rain, then a drizzle. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.
pleasure - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:207 And of the people (is the one) who sells his own self seeking pleasure (of) Allah. And Allah (is) full of Kindness to His servants.
4:114 (There is) no good in much of their secret talk except (he) who orders charity or kindness or conciliation between the people. And who does that seeking pleasure (of) Allah then soon We will give him a reward great.
marḍātī (Word Translations: 1)
My Pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
60:1 O you who believe! (Do) not take My enemies and your enemies (as) allies offering them love while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you come forth (to) strive in My way and (to) seek My Pleasure. You confide to them love, but I Am most knowing of what you conceal and what you declare. And whoever does it among you then certainly he has strayed (from the) straight path.
marḍiyyan (Word Translations: 1)
pleasing - (Concordance entries: 1)
19:55 And he used (to) enjoin (on) his people the prayer and zakah and was near his Lord pleasing.
marḍiyyatan (Word Translations: 1)
and pleasing - (Concordance entries: 1)
89:28 Return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing.
waraḍū (Word Translations: 3)
and are pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
10:7 Indeed, those who (do) not expect the meeting with Us and are pleased with the life (of) the world, and feel satisfied with it and those - they (are) of Our Signs, heedless.
and they (will be) pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
98:8 Their reward (is) with their Lord - Gardens (of) Eternity, flow from underneath them the rivers, will abide therein forever. (will be) pleased Allah with them and they (will be) pleased with Him. That (is) for whoever feared his Lord.
and they are pleased - (Concordance entries: 3)
5:119 will say Allah, "This Day will profit the truthful their truthfulness." For them (are) Gardens flows from underneath it the rivers will abide in it forever." is pleased Allah with them and they are pleased with Him. That (is) the success, the great.
9:100 And the forerunners, the first among the emigrants and the helpers and those who followed them in righteousness, is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. And He has prepared for them Gardens flows underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. That (is) the success the great.
58:22 not You will find a people who believe in Allah and the Day the Last loving (those) who oppose Allah and His Messenger even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with a spirit from Him. And He will admit them (to) Gardens, flow from underneath it the rivers, will abide forever in it. is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. Those (are the) party (of) Allah. No doubt! Indeed, (the) party (of) Allah, they (are) the successful ones.
wariḍ'wānun (Word Translations: 3)
and approval - (Concordance entries: 1)
3:15 Say, "Shall I inform you of better than that. For those who fear[ed], with their Lord, (are) Gardens flows from underneath them [the] rivers - abiding forever in it, and spouses pure and approval from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Seer of (His) slaves."
and Pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
57:20 Know that the life (of) the world (is) play and amusement and adornment and boasting among you and competition in increase of the wealth and the children, like (the) example (of) a rain, pleases the tillers its growth; then it dries and you see it turning yellow; then becomes debris. And in the Hereafter (is) a punishment severe and forgiveness from Allah and Pleasure. But not (is) the life (of) the world except (the) enjoyment (of) delusion.
But the pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:72 has promised Allah the believing men and the believing women Gardens, flow from underneath it the rivers (will) abide forever in it and dwellings blessed in Gardens (of) everlasting bliss. But the pleasure of Allah (is) greater. That, it (is) the success great.
wariḍ'wānin (Word Translations: 2)
and (His) pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:109 Then is (one) who founded his building on righteousness from Allah and (His) pleasure better or (one) who founded his building on edge (of) a cliff (about to) collapse, so it collapsed with him in (the) Fire (of) Hell. And Allah (does) not guide the people the wrongdoing.
and Pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:21 gives them glad tidings their Lord of Mercy from Him and Pleasure, and Gardens for them - in it (is) bliss enduring.
wariḍ'wānan (Word Translations: 2)
and good pleasure - (Concordance entries: 1)
5:2 O you who believe! (Do) not violate (the) rites (of) Allah, and not the month sacred and not the sacrificial animals and not the garlanded and not (those) coming (to) the House Sacred seeking Bounty of their Lord and good pleasure. And when you come out of Ihram then (you may) hunt. And not let incite you (the) hatred (for) a people as they stopped you from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam that you commit transgression. And help one another in [the] righteousness and [the] piety, but (do) not help one another in [the] sin and [the] transgression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.
and pleasure - (Concordance entries: 2)
48:29 Muhammad (is the) Messenger (of) Allah. and those who (are) with him (are) firm against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking Bounty from Allah and pleasure. Their mark (is) on their faces from (the) trace (of) the prostration. That (is) their similitude in the Taurat And their similitude in the Injeel (is) like a seed (which) sends forth its shoot then strengthens it, then it becomes thick and it stands upon its stem delighting the sowers that He (may) enrage by them the disbelievers. has promised Allah those who believe and do righteous deeds among them, forgiveness and a reward great.
59:8 For the poor emigrants, those who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and pleasure and helping Allah and His Messenger. Those, they (are) the truthful.
waraḍiya (Word Translations: 1)
and He has accepted - (Concordance entries: 1)
20:109 (On) that Day not will benefit the intercession except (to) whom has given permission [to him] the Most Gracious, and He has accepted for him a word.
waraḍītu (Word Translations: 1)
and I have approved - (Concordance entries: 1)
5:3 Are made unlawful on you the dead animals, and the blood, and flesh (of) the swine, and what has been dedicated to other than Allah, [on it], and that which is strangled (t and that which is hit fatally, and that which has a fatal fal and that which is gored by hor and that which ate (it) the wild animal except what you slaughtered, and what is sacrificed on the stone altars, and that you seek division by divining arrows - that (is) grave disobedience. This day (have) despaired those who disbelieved of your religion, so (do) not fear them, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed upon you My Favor and I have approved for you [the] Islam (as) a religion. But whoever (is) forced by hunger (and) not inclining to sin, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
waliyarḍawhu (Word Translations: 1)
and so that they may be pleased with it - (Concordance entries: 1)
6:113 And so that incline to it hearts (of) those who (do) not believe in the Hereafter, and so that they may be please and so that they may commit what they (are) committing.
wayarḍā (Word Translations: 1)
and approves - (Concordance entries: 1)
53:26 And how many of (the) Angels in the heavens not will avail their intercession anything except from after [that] has given permission Allah for whom He wills and approves.
wayarḍayna (Word Translations: 1)
and they maybe pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
33:51 You may defer whom you will of them or you may take to yourself whom you will. And whoever you desire of those whom you (had) set aside - then (there is) no blame upon you. That (is) more suitable that may be cooled their eyes and not they grieve and they maybe pleased with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what (is) in your hearts. And is Allah All-Knower, Most Forbearing.
yarḍahu (Word Translations: 1)
He likes it - (Concordance entries: 1)
39:7 If you disbelieve then indeed, Allah (is) free from need of you. And not He likes in His slaves ungratefulness. And if you are grateful He likes it in you. And not will bear bearer of burdens (the) burden (of) another. Then to your Lord (is) your return, then He will inform you about what you used to do. Indeed, He (is) the All-Knower of what (is in) the breasts.
yur'ḍūnakum (Word Translations: 1)
They satisfy you - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:8 How while, if they gain dominance over you not they do regard (the ties) with you (of) kinship and not covenant of protection? They satisfy you with their mouths but refuse, their hearts and most of them (are) defiantly disobedient.
yarḍawnahu (Word Translations: 1)
they will be pleased (with) it - (Concordance entries: 1)
22:59 Surely, He will admit them (to) an entrance they will be pleased (with) it And indeed, Allah surely, (is) All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
yur'ḍūhu (Word Translations: 1)
they should please Him - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:62 They swear by Allah to you to please you. And Allah and His Messenger (have) more right that they should please Him, if they are believers.
yarḍā (Word Translations: 4)
(does) he approve - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:108 They seek to hide from the people but not (can) they hide from Allah and He (is) with them when they plot by night what not (does) he approve of the word. And is Allah of what they do - All-Encompassing.
(is) pleased - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:96 They swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then indeed, Allah not (is) pleased with the people (who are) defiantly disobedien
He likes - (Concordance entries: 1)
39:7 If you disbelieve then indeed, Allah (is) free from need of you. And not He likes in His slaves ungratefulness. And if you are grateful He likes it in you. And not will bear bearer of burdens (the) burden (of) another. Then to your Lord (is) your return, then He will inform you about what you used to do. Indeed, He (is) the All-Knower of what (is in) the breasts.
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