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خ ش ب
General Root Meaning
Mix a thing with another thing, pick/choose/select a thing, make/fashion or sharpen a sword (imperfectly or not thoroughly), polish, make/shape out a thing (such as a bow and arrow) in a rough manner (without perfecting it or making it smooth or even), speak and do something without affecting nicety or refinement and without study or labour (do a thing imperfectly, inelegantly or unthoroughly), to be tall and gross, rude or coarse (man or camel), to be thick or gross or coarse in all respects, endure a life of hardship or difficulty (in order to render oneself more able to bear it), be lean or meagre (such as cattle in consequence of their feeding upon dry herbage), dry or rigid or tough, strong and vigorous in body (man), have a displeasing and rigid/uneven forehead.