3:103 And hold firmly to (the) rope (of) Allah all together and (do) not be divided. And remember (the) Favor (of) Allah on you when you were enemies then He made friendship between your hearts then you became by His Favor brothers. And you were on (the) brink (of) pit of the Fire then He saved you from it. Thus makes clear Allah for you His Verses so that you may (be) guided.
46:6 And when are gathered the people, they will be for them enemies and they will be of their worship deniers.
60:2 If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they desire that you would disbelieve.
aʿdāu (Word Translations: 1)
(the) enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
41:19 And (the) Day will be gathered (the) enemies (of) Allah to the Fire, then they will be assembled in rows,
aʿdāi (Word Translations: 1)
(of the) enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
41:28 That (is the) recompense (of the) enemies (of) Allah - the Fire; for them therein (is the) home (of) the eternity (as) recompense for what they used to, of Our Verses, reject.
iʿ'tadaw (Word Translations: 1)
transgressed - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:65 And indeed, you knew those who transgressed among you in the (matter of) Sabbath. So We said to them, "Be apes, despised."
iʿ'tadā (Word Translations: 3)
he transgressed - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:194 The month [the] sacred (is) for the month [the] sacred, and for all the violations (is) legal retribution. Then whoever transgressed upon you then you transgress on him in (the) same manner (as) he transgressed upon you. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) with those who fear (Him).
transgressed - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:194 The month [the] sacred (is) for the month [the] sacred, and for all the violations (is) legal retribution. Then whoever transgressed upon you then you transgress on him in (the) same manner (as) he transgressed upon you. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) with those who fear (Him).
5:94 O you who believe! Surely will test you Allah through something of the game - can reach it your hands and your spears that may make evident Allah who fears Him in the unseen. And whoever transgressed after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.
transgresses - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:178 O you who believe[d]! Prescribed for you (is) the legal retribution in (the matter of) the murdered, the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever is pardoned [for it] from his brother anything, then follows up with suitable [and] payment to him with kindness. That (is) a concession from your Lord and mercy. Then whoever transgresses after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.
iʿ'tadaynā (Word Translations: 1)
we have transgressed - (Concordance entries: 1)
5:107 Then if it is discovered (on) that the two (were) guilty (of) sin, then (let) two others stand (in) their place from those who have a lawful right over them - the former two - and let them both swear by Allah "Surely our testimony (is) truer than testimony of the other two and not we have transgressed. Indeed, we then (will be) of the wrongdoers."
l-aʿdāa (Word Translations: 1)
the enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
7:150 And when returned Musa to his people - angry, and grieved, he said, "Evil is what you have done in my place from after me. Were you impatient (over the) matter (of) your Lord?" And he cast down the tablets and seized by head, his brother dragging him to himself. He said, "O son (of) my mother! Indeed, the people considered me weak and were about to kill me. So (let) not rejoice over me the enemies, and (do) not place me with the people the wrongdoing."
l-ʿādūna (Word Translations: 1)
(are) the transgressors - (Concordance entries: 2)
23:7 Then whoever seeks beyond that then those [they] (are) the transgressors.
70:31 But whoever seeks beyond that, then those [they] (are) the transgressors -
l-ʿadāwata (Word Translations: 1)
[the] enmity - (Concordance entries: 3)
5:14 And from those who said, Indeed we (are) Christians," We took their covenant; but they forgot a part of what they were reminded of [it]. So We aroused between them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. And soon will inform them Allah of what they used to do.
5:64 And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.
5:91 Only intends the Shaitaan to cause between you [the] enmity and [the] hatred through intoxicants and gambling, and hinders you from (the) remembrance (of) Allah and from the prayer. So will you (be) the ones who abstain?
l-ʿadāwatu (Word Translations: 1)
enmity - (Concordance entries: 1)
60:4 Indeed, (there) is for you an example good in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people, "Indeed, we (are) disassociated from you and from what you worship from besides Allah. We have denied you, and has appeared between us and between you enmity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah Alone." Except (the) saying (of) Ibrahim to his father, "Surely I ask forgiveness for you, but not I have power for you from Allah of anything. Our Lord, upon You we put our trust, and to You we turn, and to You (is) the final return.
l-ʿaduwu (Word Translations: 1)
(are) the enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
63:4 And when you see them pleases you their bodies, and if they speak, you listen to their speech, as if they (were) pieces of wood propped up. They think every shout (is) against them. They (are) the enemy, so beware of them. May destroy them Allah! How are they deluded?
l-muʿ'tadūna (Word Translations: 1)
(are) the transgressors - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:10 Not they respect (the ties) towards a believer (of) kinship and not covenant of protection. And those [they] (are) the transgressors.
l-muʿ'tadīna (Word Translations: 2)
(of) the transgressors - (Concordance entries: 1)
10:74 Then We sent from after him Messengers to their people, and they came to them with clear proofs. But not they were to believe what they had denied [it] from before. Thus We seal [on] the hearts (of) the transgressors.
the transgressors - (Concordance entries: 3)
2:190 And fight in (the) way (of) Allah those who fight you and (do) not transgress. Indeed, Allah (does) not like the transgressors.
5:87 O you who believe! (Do) not make unlawful (the) good things what has made lawful Allah for you, and (do) not transgress. Indeed, Allah (does) not love the transgressors.
7:55 Call upon your Lord humbly and privately. Indeed, He (does) not love the transgressors.
bi-aʿdāikum (Word Translations: 1)
about your enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:45 And Allah knows better about your enemies and sufficient (is) Allah (as) a Protector, and sufficient (is) Allah (as) a Helper.
bil-ʿud'wati (Word Translations: 2)
(were) on the side - (Concordance entries: 1)
8:42 When you (were) on the nearer side (of) the world (valley) and they (were) on the side, the farther and the caravan (was) lower than you. And if you (had) made an appointment certainly you would have faile in the appointment. But that might accomplish Allah a matter (that) was destined, that (might be) destroyed (those) who (were to be) destroyed on a clear evidence and (might) live (those) who (were to) live on a clear evidence. And indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
on the nearer side - (Concordance entries: 1)
8:42 When you (were) on the nearer side (of) the world (valley) and they (were) on the side, the farther and the caravan (was) lower than you. And if you (had) made an appointment certainly you would have faile in the appointment. But that might accomplish Allah a matter (that) was destined, that (might be) destroyed (those) who (were to be) destroyed on a clear evidence and (might) live (those) who (were to) live on a clear evidence. And indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
bil-muʿ'tadīna (Word Translations: 1)
of the transgressors - (Concordance entries: 1)
6:119 And what for you that not you eat of what has been mentioned (the) name (of) Allah on it, when indeed, He (has) explained in detail to you what He (has) forbidden to you except what you are compelled to it. And indeed, many surely lead astray by their (vain) desires without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord, He (is) most knowing of the transgressors.
taʿtadū (Word Translations: 2)
transgress - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:190 And fight in (the) way (of) Allah those who fight you and (do) not transgress. Indeed, Allah (does) not like the transgressors.
5:87 O you who believe! (Do) not make unlawful (the) good things what has made lawful Allah for you, and (do) not transgress. Indeed, Allah (does) not love the transgressors.
you commit transgression - (Concordance entries: 1)
5:2 O you who believe! (Do) not violate (the) rites (of) Allah, and not the month sacred and not the sacrificial animals and not the garlanded and not (those) coming (to) the House Sacred seeking Bounty of their Lord and good pleasure. And when you come out of Ihram then (you may) hunt. And not let incite you (the) hatred (for) a people as they stopped you from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam that you commit transgression. And help one another in [the] righteousness and [the] piety, but (do) not help one another in [the] sin and [the] transgression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.
taʿtadūhā (Word Translations: 1)
transgress them - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:229 The divorce (is) twice. Then to retain in a reasonable manner or to release (her) with kindness. And (it is) not lawful for you that you take (back) whatever you have given them anything, except if both fear that not they both (can) keep (the) limits (of) Allah. But if you fear that not they both (can) keep (the) limits (of) Allah then (there is) no sin on both of them in what she ransoms concerning it. These (are the) limits (of) Allah, so (do) not transgress them. And whoever transgresses (the) limits (of) Allah then those - they (are) the wrongdoers.
taʿdu (Word Translations: 1)
pass beyond - (Concordance entries: 1)
18:28 And be patient, yourself, with those who call their Lord in the morning and the evening desiring His Face. And (let) not pass beyond your eyes over them, desiring adornment (of) the life (of) the world, and (do) not obey whom We have made heedless his heart of Our remembrance, and follows his desires and is his affair (in) excess.
taʿdū (Word Translations: 1)
transgress - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:154 And We raised over them the mount for their covenant, and We said to them, "Enter the gate, prostrating." And We said to them. "(Do) not transgress in the Sabbath." And We took from them a covenant solemn.
ʿādin (Word Translations: 5)
(of) Aad - (Concordance entries: 2)
41:13 But if they turn away, then say, "I have warned you (of) a thunderbolt like (the) thunderbolt (of) Aad and Thamud."
46:21 And mention (the) brother (of) Aad, when he warned his people in the - and had already passed away [the] warners from between (his) hands and from after him, "That not you worship except Allah. Indeed, I [I] fear for you a punishment (of) a Day Great."
a transgressor - (Concordance entries: 1)
16:115 Only He has forbidden to you the dead animal and the blood and the flesh (of) the swine, and what has been dedicated to other (than) Allah [with it]. But (if) one (is) forced - without (being) disobedient, and not a transgressor - then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Aad - (Concordance entries: 4)
7:65 And to Aad (We sent) their brother Hud. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah, not for you any god other than Him. Then will not you fear (Allah)?"
7:74 And remember when He made you successors from after Aad, and settled you in the earth. You take from its plains palaces and you carve out the mountains (as) homes. So remember (the) Bounties (of) Allah and (do) not act wickedly in (the) earth spreading corruption.
11:50 And to Aad (We sent) their brother Hud. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah, not (is) for you any god, other than Him. Not you (are) but inventors.
51:41 And in Aad, when We sent against them the wind the barren.
transgressing - (Concordance entries: 1)
6:145 Say, "Not (do) I find in what has been revealed to me (anything) forbidden to an eater who eats it except that it be dead or blood poured forth or (the) flesh (of) swine - for indeed, it (is) filth - or (it be) disobedience, [is] dedicated to other than Allah [on it]. But whoever (is) compelled not desiring and not transgressing, then indeed, your Lord (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
transgressor - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:173 Only He has forbidden to you the dead animals, and [the] blood, and flesh, (of) swine, and what has been dedicated [with it] to other than Allah. So whoever (is) forced by necessity without (being) disobedient and not transgressor, then no sin on him. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
ʿādūna (Word Translations: 1)
transgressing - (Concordance entries: 1)
26:166 And you leave what created for you your Lord, of your mates? Nay, you (are) a people transgressing."
ʿādaytum (Word Translations: 1)
you have been enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
60:7 Perhaps Allah [that] will put between you and between those (to) whom you have been enemies, among them love. And Allah (is) All-Powerful. And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
ʿadāwatan (Word Translations: 1)
(in) enmity - (Concordance entries: 1)
5:82 Surely you will find strongest (of) the people (in) enmity to those who believe, the Jews and those who (are) polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them (in) affection to those who believe, those who say, "We (are) Christians." That (is) because among them (are) priests and monks, and that they (are) not arrogant.
ʿadāwatun (Word Translations: 1)
(was) enmity - (Concordance entries: 1)
41:34 And not (are) equal the good (deed) and the evil (deed). Repel by (that) which [it] (is) better; then behold! One who, between you and between him, (was) enmity, (will become) as if he (was) a friend intimate.
ʿadwan (Word Translations: 1)
(in) enmity - (Concordance entries: 1)
6:108 And (do) not insult those whom they invoke from other than Allah, lest they insult Allah (in) enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made fair-seeming to every community their deed. Then to their Lord (is) their return, then He will inform them about what they used to do.
ʿud'wāna (Word Translations: 2)
hostility - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:193 And fight (against) them until not (there) is oppression, and becomes the religion for Allah Then if they cease then (let there be) no hostility except against the oppressors.
injustice - (Concordance entries: 1)
28:28 He said, "That (is) between me and between you. Whichever (of) the two terms I complete then no injustice to me, and Allah, over what we say (is) a Witness."
ʿud'wānan (Word Translations: 1)
(in) aggression - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:30 And whoever does that (in) aggression and injustice, then soon We (will) cast him (into) a Fire. And is that for Allah easy.
ʿaduwwun (Word Translations: 7)
(are) enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
26:77 Indeed, they (are) enemies to me, except (the) Lord (of) the worlds,
(as) enemy - (Concordance entries: 3)
2:36 Then made [both of] them slip the Shaitaan from it, and he got [both of] them out from what they [both] were in [it]. And We said, "Go down (all of you), some of you to others (as) enemy; and for you in the earth (is) a dwelling place and a provision for a period."
7:24 (Allah) said, "Get down some of you to some others (as) enemy. And for you in the earth (is) a dwelling place and livelihood for a time."
20:123 He said, "Go down from it all, some of you to others (as) enemy. Then if comes to you from Me guidance then whoever, follows My guidance, then not he will go astray and not suffer.
(is) an enemy - (Concordance entries: 3)
2:98 Whoever is an enemy (to) Allah and His Angels, and His Messengers, and Jibreel, and Meekael, then indeed Allah (is) an enemy to the disbelievers.
20:117 Then We said, "O Adam! Indeed, this (is) an enemy to you and to your wife. So not (let) him drive you both from Paradise so (that) you would suffer.
28:15 And he entered the city at a time (of) inattention of its people and found therein two men fighting each other; this of his party and this of his enemy. And called him for help the one who (was) from his party against the one who (was) from his enemy, so struck him with his fist Musa and killed him. He said, "This (is) of (the) deed (of) Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) an enemy - one who misleads clearly."
(was) an enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:114 And not was (the) asking of forgiveness (by) Ibrahim for his father except because (of) a promise he had promised it (to) him. But when it became clear to him that he (was) an enemy to Allah, he disassociated from him. Indeed, Ibrahim (was) compassionate, forbearing.
(will be) enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
43:67 Friends that Day, some of them to others (will be) enemies except the righteous,
an enemy - (Concordance entries: 10)
2:168 O mankind! Eat of what (is) in the earth lawful (and) good. And (do) not follow (the) footsteps (of) the Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) to you an enemy clear.
2:208 O you who believe[d]! Enter in Islam completely, and (do) not follow footsteps (of) the Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) for you an enemy open.
6:142 And of the cattle (are some for) burden and (some for) meat. Eat of what (has) provided you Allah, and (do) not follow (the) footsteps (of) Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) to you an enemy open.
7:22 So he made both of them fall by deception. Then when they both tasted the tree, became apparent to both of them their shame, and they began (to) fasten over themselves from (the) leaves (of) the Garden. And called them both their Lord, "Did not I forbid you both from this [the] tree and [I] say to both of you, that [the] Shaitaan (is) to both of you an enemy open?"
12:5 He said, "O my son! (Do) not relate your vision to your brothers lest they plan against you a plot. Indeed, the Shaitaan (is) to man an enemy open.
20:39 "That cast him in the chest then cast it in the river, then let cast it the river on the bank; will take him an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him." And I cast over you love from Me, and that you may be brought up under My eye.
28:19 Then when [that] he wanted to strike the one who [he] (was) an enemy to both of them, he said, "O Musa! Do you intend to kill me as you killed a person yesterday? Not you want but that you become a tyrant in the earth, and not you want that you be of the reformers."
35:6 Indeed, the Shaitaan (is) to you an enemy, so take him (as) an enemy. Only he invites his party that they may be among (the) companions (of) the Blaze.
36:60 Did not I enjoin upon you O Children (of) Adam! That (do) not worship the Shaitaan, indeed, he (is) for you an enemy clear,
43:62 And (let) not avert you the Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) for you an enemy clear.
enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
18:50 And when We said to the Angels, "Prostrate to Adam," so they prostrated except Iblis. (He) was of the jinn, and he rebelled against the Command (of) his Lord. Will you then take him and his offspring (as) protectors from other than Me, while they (are) to you enemies? Wretched for the wrongdoers (is) the exchange.
ʿaduwwin (Word Translations: 2)
an enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:120 Not it was (for) the people of the Madinah and who were around them of the bedouins, that they remain behind after the Messenger of Allah, and not they prefer their lives to his life. That is because [they] (does) not afflict them thirst and not fatigue and not hunger in (the) way (of) Allah, and not they step any step that angers the disbelievers and not they inflict on an enemy an infliction except is recorded for them in it (as) a deed righteous. Indeed, Allah (does) not allow to be lost the reward (of) the good-doers.
hostile - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:92 And not is for a believer that he kills a believer except (by) mistake. And whoever killed a believer (by) mistake, then freeing (of) a slave believing and blood money (is to be) paid to his family unless that they remit (as) charity. But if (he) was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer then freeing (of) a slave believing. And if (he) was from a people between you and between them, (is) a treaty, then blood money (is to be) paid to his family, and freeing (of) a slave believing. And whoever (does) not find, then fasting (for) two months consecutively, (seeking) repentance from Allah, and is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.
ʿaduwwa (Word Translations: 1)
(the) enemy of - (Concordance entries: 1)
8:60 And prepare for them whatever you able (to) of force and of tethered horses (cavalry) (to) terrify therewith (the) enemy of Allah, and your enemy and others from besides them, not (do) you know them (but) Allah knows them. And whatever you spend from (any) thing in (the) way (of) Allah it will be fully repaid to you, and you (will) not be wronged.
ʿaduwwan (Word Translations: 4)
(are) enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
64:14 O you who believe! Indeed, from your spouses and your children (are) enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(as) an enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
35:6 Indeed, the Shaitaan (is) to you an enemy, so take him (as) an enemy. Only he invites his party that they may be among (the) companions (of) the Blaze.
an enemy - (Concordance entries: 7)
2:97 Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel - then indeed he brought it down on your heart by (the) permission (of) Allah confirming what between hands (before it) and a guidance and glad tiding(s) for the believers."
2:98 Whoever is an enemy (to) Allah and His Angels, and His Messengers, and Jibreel, and Meekael, then indeed Allah (is) an enemy to the disbelievers.
4:101 And when you travel in the earth then not upon you (is) any blame that you shorten [of] the prayer if you fear that (may) harm you those who disbelieved. Indeed, the disbelievers are for you an enemy open.
6:112 And thus We made for every Prophet an enemy - devils (from) the mankind and the jinn, inspiring some of them to others (with) decorative [the] speech (in) deception. But if (had) willed your Lord not they (would) have done it, so leave them and what they invent.
17:53 And say to My slaves (to) say that which (is) best. Indeed, the Shaitaan sows discord between them. Indeed, the Shaitaan is to the man an enemy clear.
25:31 And thus We have made for every Prophet an enemy, among the criminals. But sufficient is your Lord, (as) a Guide and a Helper.
28:8 Then picked him up (the) family (of) Firaun so that he might become to them an enemy and a grief. Indeed, Firaun and Haman and their hosts were sinners.
any enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
9:83 Then if returns you Allah to a group of them, and they ask you permission to go out, then say, "Never will you come out with me ever and never will you fight with me any enemy. Indeed, you were satisfied with sitting (the) first time, so sit with those who stay behind."
ʿaduwwakum (Word Translations: 1)
your enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
7:129 They said, "We have been harmed from before [that] you came to us and from after [what] you have come to us." He said, "Perhaps your Lord [that] will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the earth, then see how you will do."
ʿaduwwikum (Word Translations: 1)
your enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
20:80 O Children (of) Israel! Verily, We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a covenant with yo on (the) side (of) the Mount the right, and We sent down to you the Manna and the quails.
ʿaduwwihi (Word Translations: 1)
his enemy - (Concordance entries: 2)
28:15 And he entered the city at a time (of) inattention of its people and found therein two men fighting each other; this of his party and this of his enemy. And called him for help the one who (was) from his party against the one who (was) from his enemy, so struck him with his fist Musa and killed him. He said, "This (is) of (the) deed (of) Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) an enemy - one who misleads clearly."
28:15 And he entered the city at a time (of) inattention of its people and found therein two men fighting each other; this of his party and this of his enemy. And called him for help the one who (was) from his party against the one who (was) from his enemy, so struck him with his fist Musa and killed him. He said, "This (is) of (the) deed (of) Shaitaan. Indeed, he (is) an enemy - one who misleads clearly."
ʿaduwwihim (Word Translations: 1)
their enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
61:14 O you who believe! Be helpers (of) Allah as said Isa, son (of) Maryam, to the disciples, "Who (are) my helpers for Allah?" Said the disciples, "We (are) the helpers (of) Allah." Then believed a group of Children (of) Israel and disbelieved a group. So We supported those who believed against their enemy and they became dominant.
ʿaduwwī (Word Translations: 1)
My enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
60:1 O you who believe! (Do) not take My enemies and your enemies (as) allies offering them love while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you come forth (to) strive in My way and (to) seek My Pleasure. You confide to them love, but I Am most knowing of what you conceal and what you declare. And whoever does it among you then certainly he has strayed (from the) straight path.
fa-iʿ'tadū (Word Translations: 1)
then you transgress - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:194 The month [the] sacred (is) for the month [the] sacred, and for all the violations (is) legal retribution. Then whoever transgressed upon you then you transgress on him in (the) same manner (as) he transgressed upon you. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) with those who fear (Him).
litaʿtadū (Word Translations: 1)
so that you transgress - (Concordance entries: 1)
2:231 And when you divorce the women and they reach their (waiting) term, then retain them in a fair manner or release them in a fair manner. And (do) not retain them (to) hurt so that you transgress. And whoever does that, then indeed, he wronged himself. And (do) not take (the) Verses (of) Allah (in) jest, and remember (the) Favors (of) Allah upon you and what (is) revealed to you of the Book and [the] wisdom; He instructs you with it. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) of every thing All-Knower.
and [the] transgression - (Concordance entries: 3)
2:85 Then you (are) those (who) kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and [the] transgression. And if they come to you (as) captives, you ransom them, while it (was) forbidden to you their eviction. So do you believe in part (of) the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what (should be the) recompense (for the one) who does that among you, except disgrace in the life (of) the world; and (on the) Day of [the] Resurrection they will be sent back to (the) most severe punishment? And not (is) Allah unaware of what you do.
5:2 O you who believe! (Do) not violate (the) rites (of) Allah, and not the month sacred and not the sacrificial animals and not the garlanded and not (those) coming (to) the House Sacred seeking Bounty of their Lord and good pleasure. And when you come out of Ihram then (you may) hunt. And not let incite you (the) hatred (for) a people as they stopped you from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam that you commit transgression. And help one another in [the] righteousness and [the] piety, but (do) not help one another in [the] sin and [the] transgression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.
5:62 And you see many of them hastening into [the] sin and [the] transgression and eating the forbidden. Surely evil (is) what they were doing.
and aggression - (Concordance entries: 2)
58:8 Do not you see [to] those who were forbidden from secret counsels, then they return to what they were forbidden from [it], and they hold secret counsels for sin and aggression and disobedience (to) the Messenger? And when they come to you, they greet you with what not greets you therewith Allah, and they say among themselves, "Why (does) not punish us Allah for what we say?" Sufficient (for) them (is) Hell, they will burn in it and worst is the destination.
58:9 O you who believe! When you hold secret counsel then (do) not hold secret counsel for sin and aggression and disobedience (to) the Messenger, but hold secret counsel for righteousness and piety. And fear Allah, the One Who, to Him you will be gathered.
waʿadwan (Word Translations: 1)
and enmity - (Concordance entries: 1)
10:90 And We took across (the) Children (of) Israel - the sea, and followed them Firaun and his hosts (in) rebellion and enmity, until when overtook him the drowning, he said, "I believe that (there is) no god except the One, Whom believe in the Children (of) Israel, and I am of the Muslims."
waʿaduwwun (Word Translations: 1)
and an enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
20:39 "That cast him in the chest then cast it in the river, then let cast it the river on the bank; will take him an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him." And I cast over you love from Me, and that you may be brought up under My eye.
waʿaduwwakum (Word Translations: 2)
and your enemies - (Concordance entries: 1)
60:1 O you who believe! (Do) not take My enemies and your enemies (as) allies offering them love while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you come forth (to) strive in My way and (to) seek My Pleasure. You confide to them love, but I Am most knowing of what you conceal and what you declare. And whoever does it among you then certainly he has strayed (from the) straight path.
and your enemy - (Concordance entries: 1)
8:60 And prepare for them whatever you able (to) of force and of tethered horses (cavalry) (to) terrify therewith (the) enemy of Allah, and your enemy and others from besides them, not (do) you know them (but) Allah knows them. And whatever you spend from (any) thing in (the) way (of) Allah it will be fully repaid to you, and you (will) not be wronged.
wayataʿadda (Word Translations: 1)
and transgresses - (Concordance entries: 1)
4:14 And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits - He will admit him (to) Fire (will) abide forever in it. And for him (is) a punishment humiliating.
yataʿadda (Word Translations: 1)
transgresses - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:229 The divorce (is) twice. Then to retain in a reasonable manner or to release (her) with kindness. And (it is) not lawful for you that you take (back) whatever you have given them anything, except if both fear that not they both (can) keep (the) limits (of) Allah. But if you fear that not they both (can) keep (the) limits (of) Allah then (there is) no sin on both of them in what she ransoms concerning it. These (are the) limits (of) Allah, so (do) not transgress them. And whoever transgresses (the) limits (of) Allah then those - they (are) the wrongdoers.
65:1 O Prophet! When you divorce [the] women, then divorce them for their waiting period, and keep count (of) the waiting period, and fear Allah, your Lord. (Do) not expel them from their houses, and not they should leave except that they commit an immorality clear. And these (are the) limits (of) Allah. And whoever transgresses (the) limits (of) Allah then certainly he has wronged himself. Not you know; Perhaps Allah will bring about, after that, a matter.
yaʿtadūna (Word Translations: 2)
transgress - (Concordance entries: 1)
3:112 Struck on them the humiliation wherever that they are found except with a rope from Allah and a rope from the people. And they incurred wrath from Allah and struck on them the poverty. That (is) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Verses (of) Allah and they killed the Prophets without right. That (is) because they disobeyed and they used to transgress.
transgressing - (Concordance entries: 2)
2:61 And when you said, "O Musa! Never (will) we endure [on] food (of) one (kind), so pray for us (to) your Lord to bring forth for us out of what grows the earth, of its herbs, [and] its cucumbers, [and] its garlic, [and] its lentils, and its onions." He said, "Would you exchange that which [it] (is) inferior for that which [it] (is) better? Go down (to) a city, so indeed for you (is) what you have asked (for)." And were struck on them the humiliation and the misery and they drew on themselves wrath of Allah That (was) because they used to disbelieve in (the) Signs (of) Allah and kill the Prophets without (any) [the] right. That (was) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.
5:78 Were cursed those who disbelieved from (the) Children (of) Israel by (the) tongue (of) Dawood and Isa, son (of) Maryam, that (was) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.
yaʿdūna (Word Translations: 1)
they transgressed - (Concordance entries: 1)
7:163 And ask them about the town which was situated (by) the sea, when they transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath, when came to them their fish (on the) day (of) their Sabbath visibly and (on the) day not they had Sabbath (they did) not come to them. Thus We test them because they were defiantly disobeying.
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