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4:1  Therefore Boaz ascended to the gate, and sat there (And so Boaz went up to the gate, and sat down there); and when he had seen the kinsman pass forth, of whom the word was had, Boaz said to him, Bow thou a little, and sit here; and he called him by his name. And he turned (back), and sat (down).
4:2  And Boaz took ten elder men of the city, and he said to them, Sit ye down here. And while they sat (And when they had sat down),
4:3  Boaz spake to the kinsman, (and said,) Naomi, that turned again from the country of Moab, sold, that is, is in purpose to sell, for it was not yet sold, the part of the field of our brother Elimelech, (Boaz said to his kinsman, Our kinswoman Naomi, who hath returned from the country of Moab, is selling the portion of the field, that was Elimelech’s, our kinsman,)
4:4  which thing I would that thou hear; and I would say to thee before all men sitting, and greater in birth of my people. If thou wilt have in possession the field by right of nigh kin, buy thou, and have thou in possession; soothly if it displeaseth thee, show thou this same thing to me, that I know what I ought to do; for none is nigh in kin, besides thee which art the former, and besides me which am the second. And the man answered, I shall buy the field. (which thing I desire that thou hear about; and I say it to thee before all the men sitting here, and of great age, that is, the elders, of my people. If thou wilt have the field for a possession by right of next of kin, buy thou it, and have thou it for a possession; but if it displeaseth thee, tell thou this to me, so that I know what I ought to do; for no one is next of kin, besides thee, who art the first by right, and I, who am the second. And the man answered, I shall buy the field.)
4:5  To whom Boaz said, When thou hast bought the field (out) of the hand of the woman, thou oughtest also to take to wife Ruth of Moab, that was the wife of the dead man, that thou raise the name of thy kinsman in his heritage. (To whom Boaz then said, And when thou hast bought the field from the hand of the woman, thou ought also to take for a wife Ruth the Moabite, who was the wife of the dead man, so that thou can raise up the name of thy kinsman on his inheritance, that is, on his land.)
4:6  And he answered, I forsake the right of nigh kin; for I ought not to do away the heritage of mine own family; use thou my privilege, the which I acknowledge me to want gladly. (And the man answered, If that be so, then I forsake the right of next of kin; for I ought not to take away any inheritance from my own family; use thou my privilege, though I acknowledge that I truly had wanted that land.)
4:7  Forsooth this was the custom by eld time in Israel among kinsmen, that if a man gave his right to another man, that the granting were steadfast, the man should unlace his shoe, and give it to his kinsman; this thing was (the) witnessing of (such) a gift in Israel.
4:8  Therefore Boaz said to his kinsmen, Take off thy shoe from thee; and he unlaced it anon from his foot (and at once he unlaced his shoe and took it off his foot).
4:9  And Boaz said to the greater men in birth, and to all the people, Ye be witnesses today, that I have taken in possession all things that were of Elimelech, and of Chilion, and of Mahlon, by the gift of Naomi; (And Boaz said to the men of great age, that is, the elders, and to all the people there, Ye be my witnesses today, that I have taken in possession all the things that were Elimelech’s, and Chilion’s, and Mahlon’s, by purchasing them from Naomi;)
4:10  and that I have taken into wedlock Ruth of Moab, the wife of Mahlon, that I raise up the name of the dead man in his heritage; lest his name be done away from his family, and from his brethren, and his people. Ye, he said, be witnesses of this thing. (and that I have also taken into wedlock Ruth of Moab, the wife of Mahlon, so that I can raise up the name of the dead man on his inheritance, that is, on his land; lest his name be done away from his family, and from his kinsmen, and from his people. Ye be my witnesses of this, he said.)
4:11  All the people, that was in the gate, answered, and the greater men in birth, (and said,) We be witnesses; the Lord make this woman, that entereth into thine house, as Rachel and Leah, that builded the house of Israel, that she be ensample of virtue in Ephratah, and have a solemn name in Bethlehem; (And all the people, and the men of great age, or the elders, who were there at the city gate, answered, We be thy witnesses; may the Lord make this woman, who entereth into thy house, like Rachel and Leah, who built the house of Israel, and may she be an example of virtue in Ephratah, and have a famous name in Bethlehem;)
4:12  and thine house be made as the house of Pharez, whom Tamar childed to Judah, of the seed which the Lord shall give to thee of this damsel. (and may thy house be made like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore for Judah, through the children, or the descendants, whom the Lord shall give thee by this young woman.)
4:13  Then Boaz took Ruth, and he took her to wife (and he made her his wife); and he entered to her, and the Lord gave to her, that she conceived, and childed a son.
4:14  And women said to Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, which suffered not, that an heir failed to thy family, and his name were called in Israel; (And the women said to Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, who hath not left thy family without an heir; may his name be known in all of Israel;)
4:15  and that thou have (him), that shall comfort thy soul, and nourish thine eld age. For a child is born of thy daughter-in-law, that shall love thee, and he is better to thee, than if thou haddest seven sons. (and that thou have him, who shall comfort thy soul, and nourish thy old age. For a child is born of thy daughter-in-law, who loveth thee, yea, she hath done more for thee than if thou haddest seven sons.)
4:16  And Naomi putted the child, whom she received, in her bosom (And Naomi took the child, and put him in her bosom); and she did the office of a nurse, and of a bearer-about.
4:17  And [the] women neighbours thanked her, or joyed together with her, and said, A son is born to Naomi; and they called his name Obed. This is the father of Jesse, the father of David.
4:18  These be the generations of Pharez; Pharez begat Hezron; (For these be the descendants of Perez; Perez begat Hezron;)
4:19  Hezron begat Ram; Ram begat Amminadab;
4:20  Amminadab begat Nahshon; Nahshon begat Salmon;
4:21  Salmon begat Boaz; Boaz begat Obed;
4:22  Obed begat Jesse; Jesse begat David the king. (Obed begat Jesse; and Jesse begat David, the king of Israel.)