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96:1  Sing to Lord Jehovah a new song! Sing to Lord Jehovah, all the Earth!
96:2  Praise Lord Jehovah and bless his name! Announce his salvation from day to day!
96:3  And declare his honor among the nations and his works among all peoples.
96:4  Because our Lord is great and very glorious and he is feared above all gods
96:5  Because all the gods of the Gentiles are worthless!
96:6  Brightness and glory are before him; strength and glory are in his holy place and Lord Jehovah made the Heavens!
96:7  Give to Lord Jehovah, you generations of the nations, give to Lord Jehovah glory and honor!
96:8  Give Lord Jehovah the honor due to his Name. Take offerings and enter his courts.
96:9  Worship Lord Jehovah in the court of his Holiness. All the Earth will shake from before him!
96:10  Say among the nations, “Lord Jehovah reigns, and the world is prepared that it will not move. He shall judge the nations in integrity!”
96:11  Heaven will rejoice and the Earth will be glad! The sea will exult in its fullness!
96:12  The fields will be lush and all that is in them and all the trees of the forest will sing
96:13  In front of Lord Jehovah, for he comes to judge the Earth! He judges the world in righteousness and the peoples in faithfulness!