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95:1  Come, let us worship in song, a joyful offering to the Eternal. Shout! Shout with joy to the rock of our liberation.
95:2  Come face-to-face with God, and give thanks; with loud and joyful voices, praise Him in songs.
95:3  For the Eternal is a great God, and a great King, supreme over all gods.
95:4  Within His control are the very depths of the earth; the mountaintops too—they all belong to Him.
95:5  The sea belongs to Him, for He created it—scooped and filled it— with His hands He made the dry land—every valley and mountain.
95:6  Come, let us worship Him. Everyone bow down; kneel before the Eternal who made us.
95:7  For He is our God and we are His people, the flock of His pasture, His sheep protected and nurtured by His hand. Today, if He speaks, hear His voice.
95:8  “Don’t harden your hearts the way they did in the bitter uprising at Meribah or like that day they complained in the wilderness of Massah.
95:9  Your ancestors tested Me, wanted Me to prove Myself though they had seen that nothing was too great for Me.
95:10  For 40 years I despised that grumbling generation and said, ‘Their hearts are unfaithful; they no longer walk in My ways; though I call, they do not listen to My voice.’
95:11  That is why in My anger I swore, ‘They will never enter into My rest.’”