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94:1  God of vengeance, Adonai! God of vengeance, appear!
94:2  Assert yourself as judge of the earth! Pay back the proud as they deserve!
94:3  How long are the wicked, Adonai, how long are the wicked to triumph?
94:4  They pour out insolent words, they go on bragging, all these evildoers.
94:5  They crush your people, Adonai, they oppress your heritage.
94:6  They kill widows and strangers and murder the fatherless.
94:7  They say, “Yah isn’t looking; the God of Ya‘akov won’t notice.”
94:8  Take notice, yourselves, you boors among the people! You fools, when will you understand?
94:9  Will the one who planted the ear not hear? Will the one who formed the eye not see?
94:10  Will the one who disciplines nations not correct them? Will the teacher of humanity not know?
94:11  Adonai understands that people’s thoughts are merely a puff of wind.
94:12  How happy the man whom you correct, Yah, whom you teach from your Torah,
94:13  giving him respite from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked!
94:14  For Adonai will not desert his people, he will not abandon his heritage.
94:15  Justice will once again become righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
94:16  Who will champion my cause against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers?
94:17  If Adonai hadn’t helped me, I would soon have dwelt in the land of silence.
94:18  When I said, “My foot is slipping!” your grace, Adonai, supported me.
94:19  When my cares within me are many, your comforts cheer me up.
94:20  Can unjust judges be allied with you, those producing wrong in the name of law?
94:21  They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.
94:22  But Adonai has become my stronghold, my God is my rock of refuge.
94:23  But he repays them as their guilt deserves; he will cut them off with their own evil; Adonai our God will cut them off.