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91:1  He sits in the shelter of The Highest and is glorified in the shadow of God.
91:2  He said to Lord Jehovah, “My trust, my refuge place, God upon whom I trust!”
91:3  He is the one who shall deliver you from the snare of scandal and from worthless speech.
91:4  In his feathers he shall deliver you and under his wings you shall have refuge; his truth shall surround you as a supply of armor.
91:5  You shall not be afraid of the dread of the night or of the arrow that flies by day,
91:6  Or of the account that walks in darkness or of the spirit that devastates at noonday.
91:7  Thousands will fall by your side and 10,000 by your right hand, and they shall not come near you.
91:8  But with your eyes alone you shall see the reward of the wicked.
91:9  Because you are Lord Jehovah my trust, for you have set your dwelling on high,
91:10  Evil shall not come near you and disease shall not come near your dwellings,
91:11  For he will command his Angels concerning you, to keep you in all your ways
91:12  And upon their arms they shall take you up, lest you strike your foot.
91:13  Upon the viper and upon the cockatrice you shall tread, and you shall trample the lion and the dragon.
91:14  Because he seeks me I shall save him; I shall strengthen him, because he knows my Name.
91:15  He will call me and I shall answer him; I am with him in trouble; I shall strengthen him and I shall honor him.
91:16  With length of days I shall satisfy him and I shall show him my salvation.