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90:1  A prayer of Moses, a man of God. Lord, You have always been our refuge. Our ancestors made You their home long ago.
90:2  Before mountains were born, before You fashioned the earth and filled it with life, from ages past to distant futures, You are truly God.
90:3  You turn people back to dust, saying, “Go back to the dust, children of Adam.”
90:4  For You a thousand years is like a day when it is over, a watch during the night; there is no difference to You.
90:5  You release the waters of death to sweep mankind away in his slumber. In the morning, we are blades of grass, Growing rapidly under the sun but withering quickly; yet in the evening, we fade and die, soon to be cut down.
90:6  You release the waters of death to sweep mankind away in his slumber. In the morning, we are blades of grass, Growing rapidly under the sun but withering quickly; yet in the evening, we fade and die, soon to be cut down.
90:7  For Your anger has consumed us. Your wrath has shaken us to the core and left us deeply troubled.
90:8  You have written our offenses before You— the light of Your presence shines brightly on our secret sins, and we can’t run or hide.
90:9  For all our days are spent beneath Your wrath; our youth gives way to old age, and then one day our years come to an end with a sigh.
90:10  We may journey through life for 70 years; some may live and breathe 80 years—if we are strong. Yet our time here is only toil and trouble; soon our days are gone, and we fly away.
90:11  Who can truly comprehend the power unleashed by Your anger? Your wrath matches the fear that is due to You.
90:12  Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom.
90:13  How long will we wait here alone? Return, O Eternal One, with mercy. Rescue Your servants with compassion.
90:14  With every sun’s rising, surprise us with Your love, satisfy us with Your kindness. Then we will sing with joy and celebrate every day we are alive.
90:15  You have spent many days afflicting us with pain and sorrow; now match those with years of unspent joy.
90:16  Let Your work of love be on display for all Your servants; let Your children see Your majesty.
90:17  And then let the beauty and grace of the Lord—our God—rest upon us and bring success to all we do; yes, bring success to all we do!