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89:1  I shall sing the grace of Lord Jehovah for eternity, and for a generation of generations I shall teach his faithfulness with my mouth,
89:2  Because he said, “The world will be built in grace and Heaven will establish your faithfulness”!
89:3  “I have established a covenant for my chosen and I have sworn to David my Servant”:
89:4  “I shall establish your seed for eternity and I shall build your throne for a generation of generations.”
89:5  The Heavens shall confess your wonders, Lord Jehovah, and your faithfulness in the congregation of the Holy Ones.
89:6  Who is equal to Lord Jehovah in the Heaven of Heavens, and like Lord Jehovah among the children of Angels?
89:7  God stands in the congregation of The Holy Ones, great and awesome above all who are around him!
89:8  Oh, Lord Jehovah, God of hosts, who is strong like you? Your faithfulness is around you!
89:9  You are The Ruler in the magnificence of the sea and you stop the tumult of its waves!
89:10  You have humbled the proud like the slain, with your strong arm you have scattered your enemies!
89:11  The Heavens are yours and the Earth is yours; you have prepared the world in its fullness.
89:12  You have created the North and the South; Tabor and Herman sing your Name.
89:13  Yours is the arm and yours is the might; your hand will prevail and you will lift up your right hand.
89:14  Your throne is established in righteousness and in judgment, in grace and in truth before your face.
89:15  Blessed is the people that knows your glory songs! Lord Jehovah, they will walk in the light of your face!
89:16  And they will leap for joy in your Name all day and they will be exalted in your righteousness!
89:17  Because you are the glory of our strength and our horn will be lifted up in your pleasure!
89:18  Because Lord Jehovah is our trust and The Holy One of Israel is our King!
89:19  Then he spoke in visions with his righteous ones and he said, “I have set help for a man and I have raised The Chosen One from the people.”
89:20  “And I have found David my Servant; I have anointed him with the oil of my holiness.”
89:21  “My hand has helped him, also my arm gave him power.”
89:22  “His enemy has availed nothing and the son of evil does not humble him.”
89:23  “I shall destroy his enemies from before him and I shall defeat his haters.”
89:24  “My faithfulness and my grace are with him and in my Name his trumpet will be lifted up.”
89:25  “I shall put his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers.”
89:26  “He will cry to me: 'You are my Father, my God and my mighty Savior'”!
89:27  “Also I shall make him the firstborn and I shall exalt him above the Kings of the Earth.”
89:28  “I shall keep my favor for him for eternity and my covenant will be steadfast with him.”
89:29  “I shall establish his seat to eternity and his throne like the days of Heaven.”
89:30  “If his children forsake my law and will not walk in my commands”
89:31  (This verse is missing in the Peshitta)
89:32  “I shall adjudge their evil with a scepter and their sins with a scourge.”
89:33  “And I shall not take my grace from him, neither shall I be false in my faith.”
89:34  “Neither shall I reject my covenant, nor shall I change a thing that is gone forth from my lips.”
89:35  “Once I have sworn in my holiness to David and I shall not lie.”
89:36  “For his seed will continue for eternity and his throne like the sun before me.”
89:37  “And he will be established like the moon for eternity, a faithful witness in Heaven.”
89:38  And you have forgotten me and despised me and you have turned away the face of your anointed!
89:39  And you have despised the covenant of your Servant and you have cast his crown upon the ground!
89:40  You have broken down his hedge and you pulled down his fortresses!
89:41  And all who passed by the way trampled him and he has been a reproach to his neighbors!
89:42  You have lifted the right hand of his enemies and you have gladdened all his haters!
89:43  And you have turned away the aid of his sword and you have not upheld him in war!
89:44  And you have destroyed his justifiers and you have pulled down his throne to the ground!
89:45  And you have diminished the days of his youth and you have clothed him in shame!
89:46  How long are you angry Lord Jehovah- to eternity? And your wrath burns like fire.
89:47  Remember me from the pit, because it is not for nothing that you have created all the children of men!
89:48  Who is the man who will live and will not see death and will save his soul from the hand of Sheol?
89:49  Where are your former favors, Lord Jehovah, that you have sworn to David in faithfulness?
89:50  Remember, Lord Jehovah, the reproach of your Servant, for I have carried the mockery of the peoples my whole life!
89:51  Your enemies have reproached me, Lord Jehovah, and they have reproached the steps of your Anointed One!
89:52  Blessed is Lord Jehovah to eternity. Amen and amen!