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83:1  A song. A psalm of Asaf:
83:2  God, don’t remain silent! Don’t stay quiet, God, or still;
83:3  because here are your enemies, causing an uproar; those who hate you are raising their heads,
83:4  craftily conspiring against your people, consulting together against those you treasure.
83:5  They say, “Come, let’s wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Isra’el be remembered no more!”
83:6  With one mind they plot their schemes; the covenant they have made is against you —
83:7  the tents of Edom and the Yishma‘elim, Mo’av and the Hagrim,
83:8  G’val, ‘Amon and ‘Amalek, P’leshet with those living in Tzor; (Selah)
83:9  Ashur too is allied with them, to reinforce the descendants of Lot.
83:10  Do to them as you did to Midyan, to Sisra and Yavin at Vadi Kishon —
83:11  they were destroyed at ‘Ein-Dor and became manure for the ground.
83:12  Make their leaders like ‘Orev and Ze’ev, all their princes like Zevach and Tzalmuna,
83:13  who said, “Let’s take possession of God’s meadows for ourselves.”
83:14  My God, make them like whirling dust, like chaff driven by the wind.
83:15  Like fire burning up the forest, like a flame that sets the mountains ablaze,
83:16  drive them away with your storm, terrify them with your tempest.
83:17  Fill their faces with shame, so that they will seek your name, Adonai.
83:18  Let them be ashamed and fearful forever; yes, let them perish in disgrace.