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83:1  A song. A psalm of Asaph. God, do not keep quiet; God, do not be silent or still.
83:2  Your enemies are making noises; those who hate you are getting ready to attack.
83:3  They are making secret plans against your people; they plot against those you love.
83:4  They say, “Come, let’s destroy them as a nation. Then no one will ever remember the name ‘Israel.’”
83:5  They are united in their plan. These have made an agreement against you:
83:6  the families of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites,
83:7  the people of Byblos, Ammon, Amalek, Philistia, and Tyre.
83:8  Even Assyria has joined them to help Ammon and Moab, the descendants of Lot. Selah
83:9  God, do to them what you did to Midian, what you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.
83:10  They died at Endor, and their bodies rotted on the ground.
83:11  Do to their important leaders what you did to Oreb and Zeeb. Do to their princes what you did to Zebah and Zalmunna.
83:12  They said, “Let’s take for ourselves the pasturelands that belong to God.”
83:13  My God, make them like tumbleweed, like chaff blown away by the wind.
83:14  Be like a fire that burns a forest or like flames that blaze through the hills.
83:15  Chase them with your storm, and frighten them with your wind.
83:16  Cover them with shame. Then people will look for you, Lord.
83:17  Make them afraid and ashamed forever. Disgrace them and destroy them.
83:18  Then they will know that you are the Lord, that only you are God Most High over all the earth.