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83:1  A song of Asaph. O True God, do not be quiet any longer. Do not stay silent or be still, O God.
83:2  Look now, Your enemies are causing a commotion; those who hate You are rising up!
83:3  They are conniving against Your people, conspiring against those You cherish.
83:4  They say, “Join us. Let’s wipe the entire nation off the face of the earth so no one will remember Israel’s name.”
83:5  They are all in it together, thinking as one, and making a pact against You:
83:6  The people of Edom and Ishmael; the Moabites and the Hagrites;
83:7  Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the residents of Tyre.
83:8  And the powerful Assyrians have joined the alliance to add their strength and support the descendants of Lot: Moab and Ammon. [pause]
83:9  Do to these nations what You did to Midian, to Sisera and Jabin at the raging waters of Kishon.
83:10  They were destroyed at En-dor; they became like dung, fertilizer for the ground.
83:11  Make their rulers like Oreb and Zeeb, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
83:12  Who schemed, “We should own the meadows of the True God, let’s take them!”
83:13  O my God, blow them away like a tumbleweed, scatter them like dust in a whirlwind.
83:14  As a wildfire charges through the forest or a flame sprints up the mountainside,
83:15  Send Your raging winds to chase them, hunt them down, and terrify them with Your storm.
83:16  Redden their faces in shame so that they will turn and seek Your holy name, Eternal One.
83:17  May they face disappointment and anxiety forever; may they be ashamed and die.
83:18  May they know that You and You alone, whose name is the Eternal, are the Most High, the Supreme Ruler over all the earth.