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81:1  For the worship leader. A song of Asaph accompanied by the harp. Sing with joy to God, our strength, our fortress. Raise your voices to the True God of Jacob.
81:2  Sing and strike up a melody; sound the tambourine, strum the sweet lyre and the harp.
81:3  Blow the trumpet to announce the new moon, the full moon, the day of our feast.
81:4  For this is prescribed for Israel, a rule ordained by the True God of Jacob.
81:5  A precept established by God in Joseph during His journey in Egypt. I hear it said in a language foreign to me:
81:6  “I removed the burden from your shoulders; I removed heavy baskets from your hands.
81:7  You cried out to Me, I heard your distress, and I delivered you; I answered you from the secret place, where clouds of thunder roll. I tested you at the waters of Meribah. [pause]
81:8  “O My people, hear Me; I will rebuke you. Israel, Israel! If you would only listen to Me.
81:9  Do not surround yourselves with other gods or bow down to strange gods.
81:10  I am the Eternal, your True God. I liberated you from slavery, led you out from the land of Egypt. If you open your mouth wide, I will fill it.
81:11  “But My own people did not hear My voice! Israel refused to obey Me.
81:12  So I freed them to follow their hard hearts, to do what they thought was best.
81:13  If only My people would hear My voice and Israel would follow My direction!
81:14  Then I would not hesitate to humble their enemies and defeat their opposition Myself.
81:15  Those who hate the Eternal will cower in His presence, pretending to submit; they secretly loathe Him, yet their doom is forever.
81:16  But you—I will feed you the best wheat and satisfy you with honey out of the rock.”