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78:1  My people, give ear to my Law and be persuaded and incline your ears to the words of my mouth.
78:2  For behold, I shall open my mouth in proverbs and I shall speak in parables of a former time.
78:3  Those things that we have heard we have known them, also those things that our fathers related to us,
78:4  Which we will not hide from their children, but to the generation following we shall tell the praises of Lord Jehovah, his power and his wonders which he did.
78:5  He established his testimony in Jacob and he set his law in Israel, as he commanded our fathers to make known to their children
78:6  That they should instruct another generation, the children who are born and remain, to tell their children
78:7  That their hope would be in God and that they would not forget the works of God and they would keep his commandments,
78:8  And they should not be like their fathers, an evil and rebellious generation, a generation that has not set its heart right and whose spirit did not trust in God.
78:9  The children of Ephraim strung and cast away the bow when they were attacked and they turned back in the day of war.
78:10  For they did not keep the covenant of God and they did not choose to walk in his Law.
78:11  And they forgot his works and his wonders that he had shown them
78:12  In front of their fathers when he did wonders in the land of Egypt and in the fields of Zoan.
78:13  He split the sea and made them pass over and he stood up the waters like water skins.
78:14  He led them by day with a cloud and all night in the brightness of fire.
78:15  He breached the flint in the wilderness and gave them drink as from the great depths.
78:16  He brought out streams from the rock and the waters flowed like rivers.
78:17  And the people continued again to sin and to bitterly provoke The Highest with thirst.
78:18  And they tempted God in their heart, asking for food for themselves.
78:19  And they complained against God and they said, “Can God arrange tables for us in the wilderness?”
78:20  “If he struck the flint and the waters flowed and he made torrents flow, can he not also give bread to us, or food prepared for his people?”
78:21  Because of this, Lord Jehovah heard and he was angry, and a fire seized upon Jacob, also wrath came up in Israel.
78:22  For they did not trust in God and were not convinced of his salvation.
78:23  And he commanded the clouds from above and the doors of Heaven were open.
78:24  He sent manna down for them to eat and he gave them the bread of Heaven.
78:25  Man ate the bread of Angels and he sent game for them to be satisfied.
78:26  He made the wind blow in the sky and he led the southern sky by his strength.
78:27  He sent flesh down for them like dust, and birds of the wing like the sand of the sea
78:28  And they fell in their camps around their tents.
78:29  They ate and were very satisfied and he gave them their desire.
78:30  And they did not depart from their lust and while their food was in their mouths,
78:31  The wrath of God went up among them and he killed some of their rich and he prostrated the Elect Ones of Israel.
78:32  In these things they all sinned and yet they did not believe in his wonders.
78:33  They spent their days in futility and their years in haste.
78:34  When he was killing them they were seeking him; they were returning and coming before his presence.
78:35  They remembered that God is their helper, and God The Highest, their Savior.
78:36  They loved him with their mouths and with their tongue they angered him.
78:37  Their heart was not made right with him and they did not believe in his covenant.
78:38  And he is merciful and he forgives sin and does not destroy; he proceeded to turn away his wrath and did not arouse all his anger.
78:39  He remembered that they were flesh, a wind that goes and does not return.
78:40  They bitterly provoked him in the wilderness and angered him in the deserts.
78:41  And they turned back and they tempted God and they provoked The Holy One of Israel.
78:42  And they did not remember his hand the day he saved them from the oppressor
78:43  When he did signs in Egypt and his wonders in the fields of Zoan.
78:44  And he turned their rivers to blood, and their streams, that they would not drink the waters.
78:45  He sent swarms of insects against them and consumed them, and frogs, and he destroyed them.
78:46  He gave their crops to the locusts and their produce to the crawling locust.
78:47  He broke their vines with hailstones and their fig trees with ice.
78:48  He gave over their cattle to hailstones and their possessions to burning.
78:49  He sent the heat of his wrath against them; heat, wrath and trouble he sent by the hand of an evil Angel.
78:50  And he breached the evil path and did not spare their souls from death and delivered their animals to death.
78:51  He killed all the firstborn of Egypt, the first of all their children in the tents of Ham.
78:52  He bore his people like sheep and led them like a flock in the wilderness.
78:53  He led them in hope and they did not fear, and the sea covered their enemies.
78:54  He brought them to the border of his Holiness, this mountain that his right hand possessed.
78:55  He destroyed the Gentiles from before them and he cast them the lots of his inheritance and the tribes of Israel dwelt in their tents.
78:56  And they tempted and bitterly provoked God, The Highest, and they did not keep his testimony.
78:57  They turned back and they lied like their fathers and they were turned aside like a deceitful bow.
78:58  And they angered him by their sacrifices and they made him jealous by their idols.
78:59  And God heard and was provoked and was very angry against Israel.
78:60  And he forgot the tent of Shiloh, the tent of the camp among the children of men.
78:61  He gave his people to captivity and his glory into the hand of the oppressor.
78:62  He gave over his people to the sword and turned away from his inheritance.
78:63  The fire consumed their boys and their virgins were abused.
78:64  The priests fell by the sword and their widows did not weep.
78:65  Lord Jehovah awakened like one who had been sleeping and like a man who would save himself from his wine.
78:66  He struck his enemies behind him and he gave them eternal reproach
78:67  He despised the tent of Joseph and the tribe of Ephraim was not accepted.
78:68  He has chosen the tribe of Yehuda, the mountain of Zion that he loved.
78:69  He built his holy place upon the height and he prepared it in the Earth for eternity.
78:70  He has chosen David his Servant and led him from a flock of sheep
78:71  And from following nursing sheep to feed Jacob his people and Israel his inheritance.
78:72  And he shepherded them in the perfection of his heart and in the understanding of his hands he led them.