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77:1  For the leader. For Y’dutun. A psalm of Asaf:
77:2  I cry aloud to God, aloud to God; and he hears me.
77:3  On the day of my distress I am seeking Adonai; my hands are lifted up; my tears flow all night without ceasing; my heart refuses comfort.
77:4  When remembering God, I moan; when I ponder, my spirit fails. (Selah)
77:5  You hold my eyelids [and keep me from sleeping]; I am too troubled to speak.
77:6  I think about the days of old, the years of long ago;
77:7  in the night I remember my song, I commune with myself, my spirit inquires:
77:8  “Will Adonai reject forever? will he never show his favor again?
77:9  Has his grace permanently disappeared? Is his word to all generations done away?
77:10  Has God forgotten to be compassionate? Has he in anger withheld his mercy?” (Selah)
77:11  Then I add, “That’s my weakness — [supposing] the Most High’s right hand could change.”
77:12  So I will remind myself of Yah’s doings; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
77:13  I will meditate on your work and think about what you have done.
77:14  God, your way is in holiness. What god is as great as God?
77:15  You are the God who does wonders, you revealed your strength to the peoples.
77:16  With your arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Ya‘akov and Yosef. (Selah)
77:17  The water saw you, God; the water saw you and writhed in anguish, agitated to its depths.
77:18  The clouds poured water, the skies thundered, and your arrows flashed here and there.
77:19  The sound of your thunder was in the whirlwind, the lightning flashes lit up the world, the earth trembled and shook.
77:20  Your way went through the sea, your path through the turbulent waters; but your footsteps could not be traced.
77:21  You led your people like a flock under the care of Moshe and Aharon.