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77:1  I cried to God with my voice and he heard me and I lifted my voice and to him and he answered me!
77:2  In the day of my suffering I prayed to Lord Jehovah and his hand drew me in the night and I was not silent and there was no comforter for my soul.
77:3  I remembered God and I was disturbed and I meditated and my spirit was troubled.
77:4  And dizziness seized me in my eyes; I was dumb and did not speak.
77:5  I have considered the former days and the years of the ages.
77:6  I remembered, I meditated in the night; I meditated in my heart and I examined my spirit and I said:
77:7  “Lord Jehovah has forgotten me eternally and is no longer pleased with me,
77:8  Or does not his grace pass away forever from me, or is not his word finished to a generation of generations?
77:9  Or has God forgotten to love, or does he withhold his mercies in his wrath?”
77:10  I said, “This is my sickness and it is the narrative of the right hand of The Exalted One
77:11  Because I have remembered your wonders from the first
77:12  And I have meditated on all your works; I have meditated on your skills.”
77:13  Oh God, your way is holy, and there is none who is great like our God!
77:14  You are God, for you have done wonders and you have shown your might among the nations!
77:15  And you have saved your people with your arm, the children of Jacob and of Joseph.
77:16  The waters saw you, oh, God, the waters saw you and they feared and even the depths shook!
77:17  And the clouds rained waters, the skies of the Heavens gave a sound and even your arrows fly!
77:18  And the voice of your thunders were in the sphere, your lightnings lit up the world, the Earth was disturbed and shook!
77:19  Your path is in the sea and your steps in the many waters, neither are your footprints known.
77:20  For you led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and of Aaron.