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69:1  For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” A psalm of David. God, save me, because the water has risen to my neck.
69:2  I’m sinking down into the mud, and there is nothing to stand on. I am in deep water, and the flood covers me.
69:3  I am tired from calling for help; my throat is sore. My eyes are tired from waiting for God to help me.
69:4  There are more people who hate me for no reason than hairs on my head; powerful enemies want to destroy me for no reason. They make me pay back what I did not steal.
69:5  God, you know what I have done wrong; I cannot hide my guilt from you.
69:6  Lord God All-Powerful, do not let those who hope in you be ashamed because of me. God of Israel, do not let your worshipers be disgraced because of me.
69:7  For you, I carry this shame, and my face is covered with disgrace.
69:8  I am like a stranger to my closest relatives and a foreigner to my mother’s children.
69:9  My strong love for your Temple completely controls me. When people insult you, it hurts me.
69:10  When I cry and fast, they make fun of me.
69:11  When I wear clothes of sadness, they joke about me.
69:12  They make fun of me in public places, and the drunkards make up songs about me.
69:13  But I pray to you, Lord, for favor. God, because of your great love, answer me. You are truly able to save.
69:14  Pull me from the mud, and do not let me sink. Save me from those who hate me and from the deep water.
69:15  Do not let the flood drown me or the deep water swallow me or the grave close its mouth over me.
69:16  Lord, answer me because your love is so good. Because of your great kindness, turn to me.
69:17  Do not hide from me, your servant. I am in trouble. Hurry to help me!
69:18  Come near and save me; rescue me from my enemies.
69:19  You see my shame and disgrace. You know all my enemies and what they have said.
69:20  Insults have broken my heart and left me weak. I looked for sympathy, but there was none; I found no one to comfort me.
69:21  They put poison in my food and gave me vinegar to drink.
69:22  Let their own feasts cause their ruin; let their feasts trap them and pay them back.
69:23  Let their eyes be closed so they cannot see and their backs be forever weak from troubles.
69:24  Pour your anger out on them; let your anger catch up with them.
69:25  May their place be empty; leave no one to live in their tents.
69:26  They chase after those you have hurt, and they talk about the pain of those you have wounded.
69:27  Charge them with crime after crime, and do not let them have anything good.
69:28  Wipe their names from the book of life, and do not list them with those who do what is right.
69:29  I am sad and hurting. God, save me and protect me.
69:30  I will praise God in a song and will honor him by giving thanks.
69:31  That will please the Lord more than offering him cattle, more than sacrificing a bull with horns and hoofs.
69:32  Poor people will see this and be glad. Be encouraged, you who worship God.
69:33  The Lord listens to those in need and does not look down on captives.
69:34  Heaven and earth should praise him, the seas and everything in them.
69:35  God will save Jerusalem and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will live there and own the land.
69:36  The descendants of his servants will inherit that land, and those who love him will live there.