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69:1  Save me, oh, God, because the waters have come unto the soul.
69:2  I have sunk into a deep abyss and there was no place to stand in it; I entered the depth of waters and a whirlpool sank me.
69:3  I am weary by my crying and my throat is dry; my eyes are bereaved as I wait for my God.
69:4  My enemies who are without a cause are more than the hairs of my head and they are harder than my bones; I have returned that which I did not defraud to my lying enemies.
69:5  God, you know my crimes and my sins have not been hidden from you.
69:6  Those who hope in you will not be ashamed of me, oh, Lord Jehovah, God of hosts, and those who seek you, oh God of Israel, shall not be ashamed of me!
69:7  For your sake I have borne reproach and shame has covered my face.
69:8  I have been a stranger to my brothers and a foreigner to the children of my mother.
69:9  Because the zeal of your house has consumed me and the reproach of those who reproach you has fallen upon me.
69:10  My soul is humbled by fasting and I have been a reproach to them.
69:11  I have made my clothes sackcloth and I have been a proverb to them.
69:12  Those who sit in the gate have schemed against me, and those who drink liquor have plotted against me.
69:13  And I have prayed before you, Lord Jehovah, in an acceptable time; oh God, in the abundance of your grace answer me, and in the abundance of your salvation.
69:14  Save me from the mud, that I will not drown, and I shall be saved from my haters and from the deep waters.
69:15  So that a whirlpool of waters will not sink me neither the mire swallow me, nor a well shut its mouth upon me.
69:16  Answer me, Lord Jehovah, because your grace is good, and in the multitude of your mercies return to me.
69:17  Do not turn your face from your Servant; because I have adversity, answer me quickly!
69:18  Bring my soul to your salvation; save me because of my enemies!
69:19  You know my reproach, and my shame is before all my enemies.
69:20  Heal the breaking of my heart and bind it up; I have waited for one to grieve for it, and there is none, and for a comforter, and I have not found one.
69:21  They put bitter herbs in my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
69:22  Let their table be a snare before them, and their reward a stumbling block.
69:23  Their eyes will be darkened that they will not see and their back will always be stooped.
69:24  Pour out your wrath upon them and let the heat of your wrath tread upon them.
69:25  Let their dwelling place be desolate and let there be no inhabitant in their tents.
69:26  Because they have persecuted the one whom you have stricken, and they added to the sorrow of one who is put to death.
69:27  Place evil upon their evil that they will not enter into your righteousness.
69:28  Let them be blotted out from your Book of Life and let them not be written with your righteous ones.
69:29  And I am poor and suffering; your salvation oh, God, will help me.
69:30  I shall praise The Name of God in song and I shall magnify him with thanksgiving.
69:31  I shall please Lord Jehovah more than fattened bulls, horned and hooved.
69:32  See, poor ones, and rejoice, and your hearts will live.
69:33  Because Lord Jehovah hears the poor and does not despise his prisoners.
69:34  Heaven and Earth will glorify him, and the seas and everything that swarms in them.
69:35  Because God saves Zion and builds the cities of Yehuda, for his Servants will dwell in it.
69:36  And the lovers of his Name will dwell in it.