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55:1  Listen to my prayer, O God; don’t hide yourself when I cry to you.
55:2  Hear me, Lord! Listen to me! For I groan and weep beneath my burden of woe.
55:3  My enemies shout against me and threaten me with death. They surround me with terror and plot to kill me. Their fury and hatred rise to engulf me.
55:4  My heart is in anguish within me. Stark fear overpowers me.
55:5  Trembling and horror overwhelm me.
55:6  Oh, for wings like a dove, to fly away and rest!
55:7  I would fly to the far-off deserts and stay there.
55:8  I would flee to some refuge from all this storm.
55:9  O Lord, make these enemies begin to quarrel among themselves—destroy them with their own violence and strife.
55:10  Though they patrol their walls night and day against invaders, their real problem is internal—wickedness and dishonesty are entrenched in the heart of the city.
55:11  There is murder and robbery there, and cheating in the markets and wherever you look.
55:12  It was not an enemy who taunted me—then I could have borne it; I could have hidden and escaped.
55:13  But it was you, a man like myself, my companion and my friend.
55:14  What fellowship we had, what wonderful discussions as we walked together to the Temple of the Lord on holy days.
55:15  Let death seize them and cut them down in their prime, for there is sin in their homes, and they are polluted to the depths of their souls.
55:16  But I will call upon the Lord to save me—and he will.
55:17  I will pray morning, noon, and night, pleading aloud with God; and he will hear and answer.
55:18  Though the tide of battle runs strongly against me, for so many are fighting me, yet he will rescue me.
55:19  God himself—God from everlasting ages past—will answer them! For they refuse to fear him or even honor his commands.
55:20  This friend of mine betrayed me—I who was at peace with him. He broke his promises.
55:21  His words were oily smooth, but in his heart was war. His words were sweet, but underneath were daggers.
55:22  Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall.
55:23  He will send my enemies to the pit of destruction. Murderers and liars will not live out half their days. But I am trusting you to save me.