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50:1  The God of gods, Lord Jehovah, has spoken, and called the Earth from the risings of the sun and unto its settings.
50:2  From Zion God has shown a glorious crown.
50:3  God will come and will not be silent, and fire will devour before him, and it will storm around him greatly.
50:4  He shall call Heaven from above and to the Earth, to judge his people.
50:5  Gather unto him his Elect Ones who establish his covenant by sacrifice!
50:6  Heaven will show his righteousness, because God is The Judge.
50:7  Hear, my people, and I shall speak to you, and Israel, I shall testify to you.
50:8  I am God, your God. I shall not rebuke you concerning your sacrifices, and your offerings are always before me.
50:9  I shall not take bulls from your house, neither goats from your fold.
50:10  Because all the animals of the wilderness are mine, and the cattle that are on the hills, and the bulls.
50:11  I know every bird of the sky and the animal of the wilderness is mine.
50:12  If I were hungry, I would not tell you, because the world in its fullness is mine.
50:13  I do not eat the flesh of calves or drink the blood of goats.
50:14  Offer thanksgiving to God and fulfill your vows to The Highest.
50:15  Call upon me in the day of trouble; I shall strengthen you and you will glorify me.
50:16  God says to the sinner, “What business do you have with The Books of my Commandments, that you have taken my Covenant in your mouth?”
50:17  “But you have hated my instruction and you have cast my words behind you.”
50:18  “If you have seen a thief, you have run with him and you have put your lot with the adulterer.”
50:19  “Your mouth has spoken wickedness and your tongue speaks deceit.
50:20  “You have been sitting and plotting against your brother; you have been mocking against the son of your mother.”
50:21  “You have done all these things and I have been silent to you; you had hoped that I would be evil like you, but I shall rebuke you and I shall set them in order before your eyes.”
50:22  “Understand this, those who forget God, lest you be crushed and there is no one to deliver.”
50:23  “He who offers thanksgiving is he who will glorify me; there I shall show him the way of the salvation of our God.”