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41:1  For the director of music. A psalm of David. Happy are those who think about the poor. When trouble comes, the Lord will save them.
41:2  The Lord will protect them and spare their life and will bless them in the land. He will not let their enemies take them.
41:3  The Lord will give them strength when they are sick, and he will make them well again.
41:4  I said, “Lord, have mercy on me. Heal me, because I have sinned against you.”
41:5  My enemies are saying evil things about me. They say, “When will he die and be forgotten?”
41:6  Some people come to see me, but they lie. They just come to get bad news. Then they go and gossip.
41:7  All my enemies whisper about me and think the worst about me.
41:8  They say, “He has a terrible disease. He will never get out of bed again.”
41:9  My best and truest friend, who ate at my table, has even turned against me.
41:10  Lord, have mercy on me. Give me strength so I can pay them back.
41:11  Because my enemies do not defeat me, I know you are pleased with me.
41:12  Because I am innocent, you support me and will let me be with you forever.
41:13  Praise the Lord, the God of Israel. He has always been, and he will always be. Amen and amen.