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37:1  Do not emulate the wicked neither envy the workers of evil.
37:2  Because they dry up quickly like straw and they wither like green grass.
37:3  Hope in God and do good, dwell in the land and seek faithfulness.
37:4  Hope in Lord Jehovah and he will give you the requests of your heart.
37:5  Straighten your road in front of Lord Jehovah; hope in him and he will do it.
37:6  And he will bring forth your righteousness like a light and your judgments like the noon.
37:7  Beg of Lord Jehovah and pray before him, and do not envy a man who does evil and whose way prospers.
37:8  Rest from anger and rest from passion and do not envy the evildoer.
37:9  Because the wicked are destroyed and those who hope in Lord Jehovah inherit the Earth.
37:10  In a little time you seek the wicked and he is not, and you gaze into his place and he is not found.
37:11  And the poor inherit the Earth and enjoy abundant peace.
37:12  The wicked one rages against the righteous one and gnashes his teeth upon him.
37:13  And Lord Jehovah will laugh at him because he knows that his day is coming.
37:14  The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent the bow to kill the poor and the afflicted and those whose ways are upright.
37:15  Their sword shall will enter their heart and their bows will be broken.
37:16  A little that a righteous one has is better than the many possessions of the wicked
37:17  Because the arms of the wicked will be broken; Lord Jehovah supports the righteous.
37:18  Lord Jehovah knows the days of the perfect and their inheritance will be for eternity.
37:19  And they will not be ashamed in the evil time and in days of famine they will be satisfied.
37:20  Because the wicked perish and the fattened enemies of Lord Jehovah are finished and like smoke they disappear.
37:21  The wicked borrows and does not repay and the righteous shows mercy and gives.
37:22  Because the blessed of Lord Jehovah inherit the Earth and his cursed ones will come to an end.
37:23  The steps of a man are set in order before Lord Jehovah and his way is set in order.
37:24  For if he falls, he is not harmed, for Lord Jehovah holds his hand.
37:25  I have been young and I am old, and I have not seen a righteous one forsaken, neither his seed seeking bread.
37:26  But all the day he shows mercy and lends and his seed is blessed.
37:27  Pass from evil and do good; rest for eternity.
37:28  Because Lord Jehovah loves judgment and does not forsake his righteous ones, but keeps them for eternity, and the seed of the wicked he destroys.
37:29  And the righteous ones inherit the Earth and dwell upon it for eternity.
37:30  The mouth of the righteous attends to wisdom and his tongue speaks judgment.
37:31  The Torah of God is in his heart and his steps are unmoved.
37:32  The wicked lies in wait for the righteous and seeks to kill him.
37:33  And Lord Jehovah will not leave him in his hands neither will he condemn him in judgment.
37:34  Hope in Lord Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the Earth; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.
37:35  Because I have seen the wicked who are boasting and are lifted up like trees of the forest.
37:36  When I passed by, he was not, and I looked for him, and I did not find him.
37:37  Keep perfection and choose integrity, because there is a good end for men of peace.
37:38  Sinners will come to an end together, and the end of the wicked is for destruction.
37:39  Lord Jehovah is The Savior of the righteous; he is a helper for them in the time of trouble.
37:40  Lord Jehovah is a helper for them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they hope in him.