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34:1  I shall bless Lord Jehovah in all times, and in all times shall his praises be in my mouth.
34:2  My soul will boast in Lord Jehovah; the poor will hear and they will rejoice.
34:3  Exalt Lord Jehovah with me; let us lift up his Name as one.
34:4  I have begged of Lord Jehovah and he answered me and saved me from all my troubles.
34:5  Gaze unto him and hope in him, and your faces will not be disappointed.
34:6  This is the poor one who called to him, and he heard him and saved him from all his afflictions.
34:7  The army of the Angels of Lord Jehovah surrounds his worshipers and delivers them.
34:8  Taste and see that Lord Jehovah is good, and blessed are all who trust upon him.
34:9  The rich have been made poor and they were hungry.
34:10  And those who seek Lord Jehovah will not lack any good thing.
34:11  Come, children, hear me, and I shall teach you the worship of God.
34:12  Who is the man who desires life and loves to see good days?
34:13  Keep your tongue from evil and your lips will not speak deceit.
34:14  Pass from evil and do good, seek peace and run after it.
34:15  The eyes of Lord Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears to hear them.
34:16  The face of Lord Jehovah is against the evil, to blot out their remembrance from the Earth.
34:17  The righteous ones cried out and Lord Jehovah heard them and delivered them.
34:18  Lord Jehovah is near to the broken hearted and he saves the meek in spirit.
34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous one, and Lord Jehovah delivers him from all of them.
34:20  And he will keep all his bones that not one of them will be broken.
34:21  Evil kills the wicked and those who hate the righteous will come to an end.
34:22  Lord Jehovah will redeem the souls of his Servants and none who hope in him will be condemned.