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33:1  Rejoice in Adonai, you righteous! Praise is well-suited to the upright.
33:2  Give thanks to Adonai with the lyre, sing praises to him with a ten-stringed harp.
33:3  Sing to him a new song, make music at your best among shouts of joy.
33:4  For the word of Adonai is true, and all his work is trustworthy.
33:5  He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the grace of Adonai.
33:6  By the word of Adonai the heavens were made, and their whole host by a breath from his mouth.
33:7  He collects the sea waters together in a heap; he puts the deeps in storehouses.
33:8  Let all the earth fear Adonai! Let all living in the world stand in awe of him.
33:9  For he spoke, and there it was; he commanded, and there it stood.
33:10  Adonai brings to nothing the plans of nations, he foils the plans of the peoples.
33:11  But the counsel of Adonai stands forever, his heart’s plans are for all generations.
33:12  How blessed is the nation whose God is Adonai, the people he chose as his heritage!
33:13  Adonai looks out from heaven; he sees every human being;
33:14  from the place where he lives he watches everyone living on earth,
33:15  he who fashioned the hearts of them all and understands all they do.
33:16  A king is not saved by the size of his army, a strong man not delivered by his great strength.
33:17  To rely on a horse for safety is vain, nor does its great power assure escape.
33:18  But Adonai’s eyes watch over those who fear him, over those who wait for his grace
33:19  to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine.
33:20  We are waiting for Adonai; he is our help and shield.
33:21  For in him our hearts rejoice, because we trust in his holy name.
33:22  May your mercy, Adonai, be over us, because we put our hope in you.