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22:1  My God, my God, why have you left me and have removed from me my salvation in the words of my folly?
22:2  My God, I call you in the daytime, and you do not answer me, and in the night, and you will not stay with me.
22:3  You are holy and Israel sits in your glory.
22:4  My fathers hoped in you; they hoped in you and you delivered them.
22:5  They cried to you and they were saved; they hoped in you and they were not disappointed.
22:6  I am a worm and not a man; a reproach of the children of men and despised of the people.
22:7  All who saw me mocked at me; they shot out with her lips; they shook their heads:
22:8  “He was confident in Lord Jehovah to save him, and let him set him free, if he delights in him.”
22:9  Because you are my trust from birth and my hope from my mother's breasts.
22:10  I was cast upon you from birth and you are my God from my mother's womb.
22:11  Do not be far from me, because trouble is near, and there is no helper.
22:12  Many bulls have surrounded me and young bulls of Bayshan encircled me.
22:13  They opened their mouths against me like a lion that roars and plunders.
22:14  And I am poured out like waters and all my bones are pulled out of joint; my heart has been like wax and my bowels are rotted within me.
22:15  My power has dried up like the clay vessel of a Potter; my tongue is stuck to the roof of my palate, and you have cast me into the dust of death.
22:16  Because dogs surround me and the assembly of the evil have surrounded me; they have pierced my hands and my feet!
22:17  All of my bones wail & wail; they stare and look at me!
22:18  And they have divided my garments between them and they cast lots upon my clothes.
22:19  And you, Lord Jehovah, do not be far from me! God, my God, abide to help me!
22:20  And save my soul from the sword and also my Only One from the hand of dogs!
22:21  Save me from the mouth of the lion and my humility from the horn of pride
22:22  That I may proclaim your Name to my brothers and praise you within the assembly!
22:23  Worshipers of Lord Jehovah, praise him, and all the seed of Jacob, honor him; worship him all the seed of Israel!
22:24  Because he did not mock nor despise the cry of the poor, neither did he turn his face from him; when he cried unto him, he heard him.
22:25  My praise is from before you in the great congregation; I shall fulfill my vows in front of his worshipers.
22:26  The poor will eat and will be satisfied, and those who seek him will praise Lord Jehovah, and their heart will live for eternity.
22:27  All the ends of the Earth will remember and will turn to Lord Jehovah, and all the generations of the nations will worship before him.
22:28  Because the kingdom is Lord Jehovah's and he is the Ruler over the nations.
22:29  All the hungry of the Earth will eat and will worship before Lord Jehovah, and all who go down to the dust will kneel before him; my soul lives for him.
22:30  The seed that will serve him will proclaim the generation of Lord Jehovah.
22:31  They will come and show his righteousness which Lord Jehovah has done to the people who are born.