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22:1  For the worship leader. A song of David to the tune “Deer of the Dawn.” My God, my God, why have You turned Your back on me? Your ears are deaf to my groans.
22:2  O my God, I cry all day and You are silent; my tears in the night bring no relief.
22:3  Still, You are holy; You make Your home on the praises of Israel.
22:4  Our mothers and fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You rescued them.
22:5  They cried out to You for help and were spared; they trusted in You and were vindicated.
22:6  But I am a worm and not a human being, a disgrace and an object of scorn.
22:7  Everyone who sees me laughs at me; they whisper to one another I’m a loser; they sneer and mock me, saying,
22:8  “He relies on the Eternal; let the Eternal rescue him and keep him safe because He is happy with him.”
22:9  But You are the One who granted me life; You endowed me with trust as I nursed at my mother’s breast.
22:10  I was dedicated to You at birth; You’ve been my God from my mother’s womb.
22:11  Stay close to me— trouble is at my door; no one else can help me.
22:12  I’m surrounded by many tormenters; like strong bulls of Bashan, they circle around me with their taunts.
22:13  They open their mouths wide at me like ravenous, roaring lions.
22:14  My life is poured out like water, and all my bones have slipped out of joint. My heart melts like wax inside me.
22:15  My strength is gone, dried up like shards of pottery; my dry tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; You lay me in the dust of death.
22:16  A throng of evil ones has surrounded me like a pack of wild dogs; They pierced my hands and ripped a hole in my feet.
22:17  I count all my bones; people gawk and stare at me.
22:18  They make a game out of dividing my clothes among themselves; they cast lots for the clothes on my back.
22:19  But You, O Eternal, stay close; O You, my help, hurry to my side.
22:20  Save my life from violence, my sweet life from the teeth of the wild dog.
22:21  Rescue me from the mouth of the lion. From the horns of the wild oxen, You responded to my plea.
22:22  I will speak Your Name to my brothers and sisters when I praise You in the midst of the community.
22:23  You who revere the Eternal, praise Him— descendants of Jacob, worship Him; be struck with wonder before Him, all you children of Israel.
22:24  He’s not put off by the suffering of the suffering one; He doesn’t pretend He hasn’t seen him; when he pleaded for help, He listened.
22:25  You stir my praise in the great assembly; I will fulfill my vows before those who humble their hearts before Him.
22:26  Those who are suffering will eat and be nourished; those who seek Him will praise the Eternal. May your hearts beat strong forever!
22:27  Those from the farthest reaches of the earth will remember and turn back to look for the Eternal; All the families of the nations will worship You.
22:28  The Eternal owns the world; He exercises His gentle rule over all the nations.
22:29  All the wealthy of the world will eat and worship; all those who fall in the dust will bow before Him, even the life that is headed to the grave.
22:30  Our children will serve Him; future generations will hear the story of how the Lord rescued us.
22:31  They will tell the generations to come of the righteousness of the Lord, of what He has done.