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2:1  Why are the nations in an uproar, the peoples grumbling in vain?
2:2  The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against Adonai and his anointed.
2:3  They cry, “Let’s break their fetters! Let’s throw off their chains!”
2:4  He who sits in heaven laughs; Adonai looks at them in derision.
2:5  Then in his anger he rebukes them, terrifies them in his fury.
2:6  “I myself have installed my king on Tziyon, my holy mountain.”
2:7  “I will proclaim the decree: Adonai said to me, ‘You are my son; today I became your father.
2:8  Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance; the whole wide world will be your possession.
2:9  You will break them with an iron rod, shatter them like a clay pot.’”
2:10  Therefore, kings, be wise; be warned, you judges of the earth.
2:11  Serve Adonai with fear; rejoice, but with trembling.
2:12  Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and you perish along the way, when suddenly his anger blazes. How blessed are all who take refuge in him.