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19:1  Heaven makes heard the glory of God and the firmament shows the work of his hands.
19:2  Day unto day pours forth speech; night unto night shows knowledge.
19:3  There is no speech nor words whose voice will not be heard.
19:4  Their Gospel went forth into all the Earth, and their words into the end of the world; in them he pitched his tabernacle for the sun.
19:5  And he is like a bridegroom who goes forth from the place of the bridal bed; he will leap for joy like a mighty man to run his course.
19:6  And from the ends of the Heavens he brings him out and makes him recline upon the ends of the Heavens, and nothing is hidden from his heat.
19:7  The law of Lord Jehovah is without blemish and converts the soul; the testimony of Lord Jehovah is trustworthy and makes infants wise.
19:8  The commandments of Lord Jehovah are right and give joy to the heart; the commandment of Lord Jehovah is precious and makes the eyes shine.
19:9  The awe of Lord Jehovah is pure and stands to eternity; the judgments of Lord Jehovah are in truth and are just in everything.
19:10  They are more desirable than gold and precious stones, and are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
19:11  Also your Servant will be warned by them; if he keeps them, he will be greatly rewarded.
19:12  Who understands offenses? Acquit me from secret sins.
19:13  Also spare your Servant from evil, lest the evil ones have dominion over me; then I shall be purged from my sins.
19:14  Let the words of my mouth be for your pleasure, and the meditation of my heart before you, Lord Jehovah, my helper and my Savior.