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18:1  I shall love you, Lord Jehovah, my power
18:2  And my trust, the house of my refuge, my Mighty Deliverer, God, The Mighty One, upon whom I trust, my helper and the horn of my salvation, the house of my glorious refuge.
18:3  I shall cry to Lord Jehovah and I shall be saved from my enemies.
18:4  Because the destructions of death surrounded me and the torrents of evil ones troubled me.
18:5  The destructions of Sheol surrounded me and the snares of death were before me.
18:6  In my suffering I cried to Lord Jehovah, and I cried to my God, and he heard my voice from his temple, and my shout came before him and entered his ears.
18:7  The Earth trembled and shook and the foundations of the mountains shook and were split, because he was furious against them.
18:8  Smoke went up in his wrath and fire from his face. He was inflamed and coals were kindled by him.
18:9  He bent Heaven and came down, and thick darkness was under his feet.
18:10  He rode upon Cherubim and flew; he flew upon the wings of the wind.
18:11  He set darkness for his refuge and his tabernacle around him, and darkness of waters in clouds of the air.
18:12  From the brightness of the tabernacle of his clouds he made hailstones and coals of fire.
18:13  And Lord Jehovah thundered in Heaven and The Highest gave his voice: hailstones and coals of fire.
18:14  He sent his arrows and scattered them; he increased his lightnings and he troubled them.
18:15  And the springs of water appeared, and the foundations of the world were revealed from your rebuke, Lord Jehovah, and from the breath of the Spirit of your wrath.
18:16  He sent from on high and he pulled me out; he took me out from many waters.
18:17  And he delivered me from my mighty enemies, and from those hating me who were stronger than I.
18:18  He went before me in the day of my adversity and has been to me, Lord Jehovah, The Savior.
18:19  And he brought me out to an expanse and delivered me, because he was pleased with me.
18:20  And Lord Jehovah rewarded me according to my righteousness, and according to the purity of my hands he repaid me.
18:21  Because I have kept the ways of Lord Jehovah, and I have not rebelled from my God.
18:22  Because all his judgments are before me and I have not put away his laws from me.
18:23  And I have been without blemish with him, and I have been on guard against my sins.
18:24  Lord Jehovah rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands before his eyes.
18:25  With the pure one, you will be pure, and with the perfect one, you will be perfect.
18:26  With the Elect One you will be elect, and with the crooked you will be perverse.
18:27  Because you will save the poor people and you will humble the lofty eyes.
18:28  You will light my lamp, Lord Jehovah; my God will enlighten my darkness.
18:29  Because by you I shall run against a band of robbers, and by my God I shall leap over a wall
18:30  God, whose way is perfect; the word of Lord Jehovah is proven, and he is a helper to all who trust upon him.
18:31  Because there is no God outside of Lord Jehovah, and there is none strong like my God.
18:32  God who girds me in power and gives my perfect way.
18:33  He makes my feet like the hart and he sets me upon high places.
18:34  He teaches my hands to war and strengthens my arms like a brass bow.
18:35  You have given me a shield of salvation; your right hand will comfort me and your discipline will make me great.
18:36  You have made room for my steps under me that my ankles would not be moved.
18:37  I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them and I shall not return until I finish them off.
18:38  I shall assault them and they will not be able to stand and they will fall under my feet.
18:39  You have girded me with power in war, and you will make those who stand against me to bow under me.
18:40  And you will break my enemies in front of me and I shall silence those who hate me.
18:41  They will wail and there will be no savior for them; they will beg of Lord Jehovah and he will not answer them.
18:42  I shall pulverize them like the dust upon the face of the wind; like mud of the street I shall tread upon them.
18:43  You will deliver me from the judgments of the people and you will make me Leader to the nations; a people that I have not known will serve me.
18:44  When they hear they will listen to me; children of foreigners will submit themselves to me.
18:45  Children of foreigners will trust and will be impeded from their paths.
18:46  Lord Jehovah is living, and blessed is he who strengthens me; my God and my Savior is exalted!
18:47  God gives me vengeance and he subdued the peoples under me.
18:48  And he delivered me from my enemies, and from those who stand against me, he lifted me up, and you will deliver me from evil men.
18:49  Because of this, I shall confess you among the Gentiles, my Lord, and to your Name I shall sing praise.
18:50  The salvation of his King is magnificent; he performs grace to his Anointed, to David, and to his seed for eternity.