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145:1  A song of praise by David. I will lift my praise above everything to You, my God and King! I will continually bless Your name forever and always.
145:2  My praise will never cease— I will praise You every day; I will lift up Your name forever.
145:3  The Eternal is great and deserves endless praise; His greatness knows no limit, recognizes no boundary. No one can measure or comprehend His magnificence.
145:4  One generation after another will celebrate Your great works; they will pass on the story of Your powerful acts to their children.
145:5  Your majesty and glorious splendor have captivated me; I will meditate on Your wonders, sing songs of Your worth.
145:6  We confess—there is nothing greater than You, God, nothing mightier than Your awesome works. I will tell of Your greatness as long as I have breath.
145:7  The news of Your rich goodness is no secret— Your people love to recall it and sing songs of joy to celebrate Your righteousness.
145:8  The Eternal is gracious. He shows mercy to His people. For Him anger does not come easily, but faithful love does—and it is rich and abundant.
145:9  But the Eternal’s goodness is not exclusive—it is offered freely to all. His mercy extends to all His creation.
145:10  All creation will stand in awe of You, O Eternal One. Thanks will pour from the mouths of every one of Your creatures; Your holy people will bless You.
145:11  They will not be silent; they will talk of the grandeur of Your kingdom and celebrate the wonder of Your power
145:12  Until everyone on earth who has ears to hear knows Your valiant acts and the splendor of Your kingdom.
145:13  Your kingdom will never end; Your rule will endure forever. [You are faithful to Your promise, and Your acts are marked with grace.]
145:14  The Eternal sustains all who stumble on their way. For those who are broken down, God is near. He raises them up in hope.
145:15  All eyes have turned toward You, waiting in expectation; when they are hungry, You feed them right on time.
145:16  The desires of every living thing are met by Your open hand.
145:17  The Eternal is right in all His ways, and He is kind in all His acts.
145:18  The Eternal stays close to those who call on Him, those who pray sincerely.
145:19  All of you who revere Him— God will satisfy your desires. He hears the cries for help, and He brings salvation.
145:20  All of you who love God— He will watch out for you, but total destruction is around the corner for all the wicked.
145:21  My lips will sing the praise of the Eternal. Let every creature join me and praise the holy name of God—forever and always!