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139:1  For the leader. A psalm of David: Adonai, you have probed me, and you know me.
139:2  You know when I sit and when I stand up, you discern my inclinations from afar,
139:3  you scrutinize my daily activities. You are so familiar with all my ways
139:4  that before I speak even a word, Adonai, you know all about it already.
139:5  You have hemmed me in both behind and in front and laid your hand on me.
139:6  Such wonderful knowledge is beyond me, far too high for me to reach.
139:7  Where can I go to escape your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
139:8  If I climb up to heaven, you are there; if I lie down in Sh’ol, you are there.
139:9  If I fly away with the wings of the dawn and land beyond the sea,
139:10  even there your hand would lead me, your right hand would hold me fast.
139:11  If I say, “Let darkness surround me, let the light around me be night,”
139:12  even darkness like this is not too dark for you; rather, night is as clear as day, darkness and light are the same.
139:13  For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
139:14  I thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders — I know this very well.
139:15  My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
139:16  Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed.
139:17  God, how I prize your thoughts! How many of them there are!
139:18  If I count them, there are more than grains of sand; if I finish the count, I am still with you.
139:19  God, if only you would kill off the wicked! Men of blood, get away from me!
139:20  They invoke your name for their crafty schemes; yes, your enemies misuse it.
139:21  Adonai, how I hate those who hate you! I feel such disgust with those who defy you!
139:22  I hate them with unlimited hatred! They have become my enemies too.
139:23  Examine me, God, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts.
139:24  See if there is in me any hurtful way, and lead me along the eternal way.