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135:1  Hallelujah!
135:2  Yes, let his people praise him as they stand in his Temple courts.
135:3  Praise the Lord because he is so good; sing to his wonderful name.
135:4  For the Lord has chosen Israel as his personal possession.
135:5  I know the greatness of the Lord—that he is greater far than any other god.
135:6  He does whatever pleases him throughout all of heaven and earth and in the deepest seas.
135:7  He makes mists rise throughout the earth; he sends the lightning to bring down the rain and sends the winds from his treasuries.
135:8  He destroyed the eldest child in each Egyptian home, along with the firstborn of the flocks.
135:9  He did great miracles in Egypt before Pharaoh and all his people.
135:10  He smote great nations, slaying mighty kings—
135:11  Sihon, king of Amorites; and Og, the king of Bashan; and the kings of Canaan—
135:12  and gave their land as an eternal gift to his people Israel.
135:13  O Jehovah, your name endures forever; your fame is known to every generation.
135:14  For Jehovah will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.
135:15  The heathen worship idols of gold and silver made by men—
135:16  idols with speechless mouths, sightless eyes,
135:17  and ears that cannot hear; they cannot even breathe.
135:18  Those who make them become like them! And so do all who trust in them!
135:19  O Israel, bless Jehovah! High Priests of Aaron, bless his name.
135:20  O Levite priests, bless the Lord Jehovah! Oh, bless his name, all of you who trust and reverence him.
135:21  All people of Jerusalem, praise the Lord, for he lives here in Jerusalem. Hallelujah!