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135:1  Praise the Eternal! Praise and glorify the name of the One who always has been and always will be; praise Him, servants of the Eternal!
135:2  Join in the chorus, all you who minister in the Eternal’s temple; in the courts of our God’s temple,
135:3  Glorify the Eternal, for He is good! Sing praises, and honor His name for it is delightful.
135:4  For the Eternal made His choice; He selected Jacob as His own; He claimed Israel as His possession.
135:5  Now I know this: the Eternal is great; His power is unmatched. Our Master is above any so-called god.
135:6  He does whatever He pleases, in heaven, on earth, in the seas, and in all the ocean depths.
135:7  He draws up the clouds that rise over the whole earth, He causes rain and the lightning to strike, and He summons the wind from His storehouses.
135:8  He took the lives of Egypt’s firstborn, human and beast alike.
135:9  O Egypt, He worked wonders and signs before your eyes, signs against Pharaoh and Pharaoh’s servants.
135:10  He destroyed nation after nation and killed mighty kings:
135:11  Sihon, the Amorite king; Og, the king of Bashan; and even all the kingdoms of Canaan.
135:12  He conquered their land and gave it as an inheritance— an inheritance for His people, Israel.
135:13  Eternal One, Your name is everlasting. Your legacy, Eternal One, will be known through all the ages.
135:14  For the Eternal will judge His people, He will show compassion to those who serve Him.
135:15  The nations have idols of silver and gold, crafted by human hands!
135:16  They shaped mouths for them, but they cannot speak; they carved eyes into them, but they cannot see;
135:17  They placed ears on them, but they cannot hear; they cannot breathe, not even a puff of air from their mouths!
135:18  The artisans who made them are just like them, and so are all who mistakenly trust in them, no exceptions.
135:19  House of Israel, praise the Eternal; house of Aaron, praise the Eternal;
135:20  House of Levi, praise the Eternal; all those who revere the Eternal, praise Him!
135:21  Blessed be the Eternal from Zion, the One who has made Jerusalem His home. Praise the Eternal!