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132:1  A song for those journeying to worship. Eternal One, don’t let the suffering of our father David be forgotten— for his sake, remember!
132:2  Remember the pledge he made, how he poured out his heart to the Eternal, the promise he made to the Mighty One of Jacob:
132:3  He said, “I will not go inside my house or lie down in my bed;
132:4  I will not even rest my eyes— I will not take comfort in sleep—
132:5  Until I find a dwelling place for You, the Eternal, a holy residence dedicated to the Mighty One of Jacob.”
132:6  We heard rumors of the holy ark in Ephrathah, and later we found it in the field of Jaar.
132:7  Let us journey to His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool.
132:8  Eternal One, arise and go to Your new home— You and the ark of Your strength.
132:9  Let every priest join the march wearing righteousness, and let songs of joy erupt from the hearts and mouths of Your godly ones.
132:10  For the well-being of Your anointed servant, do not turn Your back on David.
132:11  The Eternal made His own promise, sworn in truth to David, an oath which He cannot, will not break: “I will continue your dynasty, David; one of your descendants will sit on your throne.
132:12  If your children obey My covenant and follow the statutes which I shall teach them, And if they remain faithful, their children will also sit upon your throne—forever.”
132:13  For the Eternal selected Zion; He desired it as His holy place of residence.
132:14  “This is My sanctuary, My resting place, forever and ever; I will remain here, for this is what I have desired.
132:15  I will bless Zion with an endless supply of all she needs; I will satisfy the bellies of her hungry with bread.
132:16  I will clothe her priests with salvation, and songs of joy will erupt from the hearts and mouths of her godly people.
132:17  “From there I will make the strength of David’s kingdom grow and prepare a lamp for My anointed one.
132:18  I will clothe his enemies with a garment of shame; but as for David’s son, his crown will shine brightly like the sun.”