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118:1  Oh, thank the Lord, for he’s so good! His loving-kindness is forever.
118:2  Let the congregation of Israel praise him with these same words: “His loving-kindness is forever.”
118:3  And let the priests of Aaron chant, “His loving-kindness is forever.”
118:4  Let the Gentile converts chant, “His loving-kindness is forever.”
118:5  In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me and rescued me.
118:6  He is for me! How can I be afraid? What can mere man do to me?
118:7  The Lord is on my side; he will help me. Let those who hate me beware.
118:8  It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in men.
118:9  It is better to take refuge in him than in the mightiest king!
118:10  Though all the nations of the world attack me, I will march out behind his banner and destroy them.
118:11  Yes, they surround and attack me; but with his flag flying above me I will cut them off.
118:12  They swarm around me like bees; they blaze against me like a roaring flame. Yet beneath his flag I shall destroy them.
118:13  You did your best to kill me, O my enemy, but the Lord helped me.
118:14  He is my strength and song in the heat of battle, and now he has given me the victory.
118:15  Songs of joy at the news of our rescue are sung in the homes of the godly. The strong arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
118:16  Songs of joy at the news of our rescue are sung in the homes of the godly. The strong arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
118:17  I shall not die but live to tell of all his deeds.
118:18  The Lord has punished me but not handed me over to death.
118:19  Open the gates of the Temple—I will go in and give him my thanks.
118:20  Those gates are the way into the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there.
118:21  O Lord, thank you so much for answering my prayer and saving me.
118:22  The stone rejected by the builders has now become the capstone of the arch!
118:23  This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous to see!
118:24  This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
118:25  O Lord, please help us. Save us. Give us success.
118:26  Blessed is the one who is coming, the one sent by the Lord. We bless you from the Temple.
118:27  Jehovah God is our light. I present to him my sacrifice upon the altar, for you are my God, and I shall give you this thanks and this praise.
118:28  Jehovah God is our light. I present to him my sacrifice upon the altar, for you are my God, and I shall give you this thanks and this praise.
118:29  Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is so good! For his loving-kindness is forever.