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118:1  Give thanks to the Eternal because He is always good. He never ceases to be loving and kind.
118:2  Let the people of Israel proclaim: “He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
118:3  Let the priests of Aaron’s line proclaim: “He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
118:4  Let the people who fear the Eternal proclaim: “He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
118:5  When trouble surrounded me, I cried out to the Eternal; He answered me and brought me to a wide, open space.
118:6  The Eternal is with me, so I will not be afraid of anything. If God is on my side, how can anyone hurt me?
118:7  The Eternal is on my side, a champion for my cause; so when I look at those who hate me, victory will be in sight.
118:8  It is better to put your faith in the Eternal for your security than to trust in people.
118:9  It is better to put your faith in Him for your security than to trust in princes.
118:10  All these nations surround me, squeezing me from all sides; with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
118:11  They rose up against me, squeezed me from all sides, yes, from all sides; with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
118:12  They surrounded me like a swarm of bees; they were destroyed quickly and thoroughly— Flaring up like a pile of thorns— with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
118:13  I was pushed back, attacked so that I was about to fall, but the Eternal was there to help me keep my balance.
118:14  He is my strength, and He is the reason I sing; He has been there to save me in every situation.
118:15  In the tents of the righteous soldiers of God, there are shouts of joy and victory. They sing: “The right hand of the Eternal has shown His power.
118:16  The mighty arm of the Eternal is raised in victory; the right hand of His has shown His power.”
118:17  I will not die. I will live. I will live to tell about all the Eternal has done.
118:18  The Eternal has taught me many lessons; He has been strict and severe, but even in His discipline, He has not allowed me to die.
118:19  Open wide to me the gates of justice so that I may walk through them and offer praise and worship to the Eternal.
118:20  This is the gate of the Eternal; the righteous children of God will go through it.
118:21  I will praise You because You answered me when I was in trouble. You have become my salvation.
118:22  The stone that the builders rejected has become the very stone that holds together the entire foundation.
118:23  This is the work of the Eternal, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
118:24  This is the day the Eternal God has made; let us celebrate and be happy today.
118:25  O Eternal One, save us, we beg You. O Eternal One, we beg You, bring us success!
118:26  He who comes in the name of the Eternal will be blessed; we have blessed You from the house of the Eternal.
118:27  The Eternal is the True God; He shines His light on us. Let the feast begin. Bring the sacrifice, and tie it to the horns of the altar.
118:28  You are my God, and I give You thanks; You are my God, and I praise You.
118:29  Give thanks to our Eternal Lord; He is always good. He never ceases to be loving and kind.