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115:1  Not for us, O Eternal One; this glory is not for us—but for Your name because of Your loyal love and truth.
115:2  Why should the nations ask, “Where is their God now?”
115:3  Our God is in heaven doing whatever He chooses.
115:4  Those nations worship idols of silver and gold, crafted by human hands:
115:5  They have given their gods mouths, but they cannot speak; eyes, but they cannot see.
115:6  They have provided their idols with ears, but they cannot hear; noses, but they cannot smell.
115:7  They have fashioned hands, but the idols cannot reach out and touch; feet, but they cannot walk. Their idols cannot make a sound in their finely crafted throats.
115:8  The people who make idols will become useless like them, like all who trust in idols.
115:9  O Israel, put your trust in the Eternal. He is their helper and defender.
115:10  O family of Aaron, put your trust in the Eternal. He is their helper and defender.
115:11  All who fear and know the Eternal, put your trust in Him. He is their helper and defender.
115:12  The Eternal has remembered us, and He will bless us. He will bless the people of Israel. He will bless the priestly family of Aaron.
115:13  The Eternal will bless those who worship and stand in awe of Him, from the least to the greatest.
115:14  May the Eternal prosper your family, growing both you and your descendants.
115:15  May the blessings of the Eternal, maker of heaven and earth, be on you.
115:16  The heavens above belong to the Eternal, and yet earth in all of its beauty has been given to humanity by Him.
115:17  The dead do not praise the Eternal, nor do any who descend into the silent grave.
115:18  But we will praise and bless You—our Eternal One— today and forever. Praise the Eternal!