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109:1  O God of my praise, don’t stand silent and aloof
109:2  while the wicked slander me and tell their lies.
109:3  They have no reason to hate and fight me, yet they do!
109:4  I love them, but even while I am praying for them, they are trying to destroy me.
109:5  They return evil for good, and hatred for love.
109:6  Show him how it feels! Let lies be told about him, and bring him to court before an unfair judge.
109:7  When his case is called for judgment, let him be pronounced guilty. Count his prayers as sins.
109:8  Let his years be few and brief; let others step forward to replace him.
109:9  May his children become fatherless and his wife a widow; may they be evicted from the ruins of their home.
109:10  May his children become fatherless and his wife a widow; may they be evicted from the ruins of their home.
109:11  May creditors seize his entire estate and strangers take all he has earned.
109:12  Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children. May they die. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation.
109:13  Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children. May they die. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation.
109:14  Punish the sins of his father and mother. Don’t overlook them.
109:15  Think constantly about the evil things he has done, and cut off his name from the memory of man.
109:16  For he refused all kindness to others, and persecuted those in need, and hounded brokenhearted ones to death.
109:17  He loved to curse others; now you curse him. He never blessed others; now don’t you bless him.
109:18  Cursing is as much a part of him as his clothing, or as the water he drinks, or the rich food he eats.
109:19  Now may those curses return and cling to him like his clothing or his belt.
109:20  This is the Lord’s punishment upon my enemies who tell lies about me and threaten me with death.
109:21  But as for me, O Lord, deal with me as your child, as one who bears your name! Because you are so kind, O Lord, deliver me.
109:22  I am slipping down the hill to death; I am shaken off from life as easily as a man brushes a grasshopper from his arm.
109:23  I am slipping down the hill to death; I am shaken off from life as easily as a man brushes a grasshopper from his arm.
109:24  My knees are weak from fasting, and I am skin and bones.
109:25  I am a symbol of failure to all mankind; when they see me they shake their heads.
109:26  Help me, O Lord my God! Save me because you are loving and kind.
109:27  Do it publicly, so all will see that you yourself have done it.
109:28  Then let them curse me if they like—I won’t mind that if you are blessing me! For then all their efforts to destroy me will fail, and I shall go right on rejoicing!
109:29  Make them fail in everything they do. Clothe them with disgrace.
109:30  But I will give repeated thanks to the Lord, praising him to everyone.
109:31  For he stands beside the poor and hungry to save them from their enemies.