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107:1  Give thanks to Lord Jehovah, because he is good, and his grace is for eternity.
107:2  The redeemed of Lord Jehovah will say that he saved them from the hand of the oppressor.
107:3  From all the lands he gathered them- from the East and from the West, from the North and from the Sea.
107:4  And they were lost in the wilderness of the deserts and they did not find the road of an inhabited city.
107:5  They were hungry and thirsty and their souls were agitated.
107:6  They begged of Lord Jehovah in their sufferings and he brought them out from their griefs.
107:7  He walked them in the way of truth to go to inhabited cities.
107:8  His righteous ones shall thank Lord Jehovah for his mercies upon the sons of men.
107:9  Because he satisfies the afflicted souls and he fills the hungry soul-
107:10  Those who sit in darkness and in the shadows of death, and are bound in poverty and in irons.
107:11  Because they bitterly provoked the Word of God and rejected the counsel of The Highest
107:12  He broke their heart with toil and they were sick and there was no helper for them.
107:13  And they prayed to Lord Jehovah in their adversity and he saved them from their adversity.
107:14  He brought them out from darkness and from the shadow of death and he cut their bonds.
107:15  His righteous ones shall confess to Lord Jehovah that his mercies are upon the children of men.
107:16  Because he shattered the gates of brass and has cut down the bars of iron.
107:17  He helped them from the way of their sins and they were humbled by their evils.
107:18  Their souls had hated all food and had arrived unto the gates of death.
107:19  They begged Lord Jehovah in their sufferings and he brought them out from their adversity.
107:20  He sent his word and he healed them and delivered them from destruction.
107:21  His righteous ones shall confess Lord Jehovah for his mercies upon the children of men.
107:22  Sacrifice to him sacrifices of praise; praise his works with his wonders!
107:23  Those who go down to the sea in ships and do work in the great waters
107:24  They have seen the works of Lord Jehovah and his wonders in the depths of the sea!
107:25  For he has raised up the wind of hurricanes and the waves of the sea were lifted up.
107:26  They went up to the sky and went down to the abyss and their soul staggered within them.
107:27  They shook and were agitated like drunkards and all their wisdom came to nothing.
107:28  They cried to Lord Jehovah in their sufferings and he brought them out from their adversity.
107:29  He calmed the hurricanes and they stopped and the waves of the sea were quieted.
107:30  And they rejoiced when they stopped; he led them to the haven that they had chosen.
107:31  His righteous ones shall thank Lord Jehovah for his mercies upon the children of men.
107:32  Praise him in the congregation of the nations and exalt him upon the seat of the Elders.
107:33  For he makes the rivers like the wilderness and the springs of water thirsty.
107:34  The land has given its fruit to a salt pit by the works of the evil ones who inhabit it.
107:35  For he makes the wilderness pools of waters and a thirsty land into springs of waters.
107:36  He makes the hungry to dwell there and they have built cities and have dwelt in them.
107:37  They sowed the fields and they planted vineyards and they ate from the fruit of their crops.
107:38  He blessed them and they multiplied greatly and he did not diminish their cattle.
107:39  And they decreased and they were humbled in the abundance of evil and of misery.
107:40  He casts evil upon Rulers and makes them wander in a trackless waste without a road.
107:41  And he strengthened the poor and he made their families like flocks.
107:42  For the righteous ones will see and will rejoice and all the evil ones will shut their jaws.
107:43  He who is wise will keep these things and will make known the mercy of Lord Jehovah.