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107:1  Erupt with thanks to the Eternal, for He is good and His loyal love lasts forever.
107:2  Let all those redeemed by the Eternal— those rescued from times of deep trouble—join in giving thanks.
107:3  He has gathered them across the earth, from east and west, from [north and south].
107:4  Some drifted around in the desert and found no place where they could live.
107:5  Their bellies growled with hunger; their mouths were dry with thirst; their souls grew weak and weary.
107:6  In their distress, they called out to the Eternal, and He saved them from their misery.
107:7  He showed them the best path; then He led them down the right road until they arrived at an inhabited town.
107:8  May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!
107:9  He has quenched their thirst, and He has satisfied their hunger with what is good.
107:10  Some people were locked up in dark prisons, confined in gloom as bleak as death. They were captives bound by iron chains and misery,
107:11  All because they had rebelled against the directives of the True God and had rejected the wisdom of the Most High.
107:12  So they suffered the heaviness of slave labor; when they stumbled and fell, there was no one to help them up.
107:13  In their distress, they called out to the Eternal; He saved them from their misery.
107:14  He rescued them from the darkness, delivered them from the deepest gloom of death; He shattered their iron chains.
107:15  May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!
107:16  He has broken down the bronze gates and severed the iron bars that imprisoned them.
107:17  Some people became fools infected by their rebellious ways, and sickness followed because of their sins.
107:18  Afflicted and weak, they refused any sort of food as they approached the gates of death.
107:19  In their distress, they called out to the Eternal, and He saved them from their misery.
107:20  He gave the order and healed them and rescued them from certain death.
107:21  May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!
107:22  Let them present to Him thanksgiving sacrifices and tell stories of His great deeds through songs of joy.
107:23  Some set out to sea in ships, traveling across mighty seas in order to trade in foreign lands.
107:24  They witnessed the powerful acts of the Eternal, marveled at the great wonders He revealed over the deep waters.
107:25  For He spoke and summoned a violent wind that whipped up the waves of the sea.
107:26  Relentless waves lifted the ships high in the sky, then drove them down to the depths; the sailors’ courage dissolved into misery.
107:27  They staggered and stumbled around like drunkards, and they had no idea what to do.
107:28  In their distress, they called out to the Eternal, and He saved them from their misery.
107:29  He commanded the storm to calm down, and it became still. A hush came over the waves of the sea,
107:30  The sailors were delighted at the quiet, and He guided them to their port.
107:31  May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!
107:32  Let them glorify Him in the assembly of His people and worship Him in the presence of the elders.
107:33  God transforms wild, flowing rivers into dry, lonely deserts, lively springs of water into thirsty ground.
107:34  He turns lush gardens into lifeless wastelands, all because of the wickedness of those who reside there.
107:35  Yet He transforms a dry, lonely desert into pools of living water, parched ground into lively springs.
107:36  And He allows those who are hungry to live there so that they might build a livable city.
107:37  There they sow fields and plant vineyards and gather up an abundant harvest.
107:38  He anoints them with His blessings, and they greatly increase in number. He does not allow their herds to dwindle.
107:39  When His people lessen in number and are humbled through persecution, suffering, and brokenheartedness,
107:40  He pours out contempt on those responsible leaders and then makes them drift around in an uncharted wasteland.
107:41  But He raises the poor away from their suffering and multiplies their families like a flock.
107:42  The righteous see God’s actions, and they take delight in what He does, but the unrighteous don’t dare to speak.
107:43  Is there anyone wise? If so, may the wise take notice of these things and reflect upon the loyal love of the Eternal.