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106:1  Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord because he is good. His love continues forever.
106:2  No one can tell all the mighty things the Lord has done; no one can speak all his praise.
106:3  Happy are those who do right, who do what is fair at all times.
106:4  Lord, remember me when you are kind to your people; help me when you save them.
106:5  Let me see the good things you do for your chosen people. Let me be happy along with your happy nation; let me join your own people in praising you.
106:6  We have sinned just as our ancestors did. We have done wrong; we have done evil.
106:7  Our ancestors in Egypt did not learn from your miracles. They did not remember all your kindnesses, so they turned against you at the Red Sea.
106:8  But the Lord saved them for his own sake, to show his great power.
106:9  He commanded the Red Sea, and it dried up. He led them through the deep sea as if it were a desert.
106:10  He saved them from those who hated them. He saved them from their enemies,
106:11  and the water covered their foes. Not one of them escaped.
106:12  Then the people believed what the Lord said, and they sang praises to him.
106:13  But they quickly forgot what he had done; they did not wait for his advice.
106:14  They became greedy for food in the desert, and they tested God there.
106:15  So he gave them what they wanted, but he also sent a terrible disease among them.
106:16  The people in the camp were jealous of Moses and of Aaron, the holy priest of the Lord.
106:17  Then the ground opened up and swallowed Dathan and closed over Abiram’s group.
106:18  A fire burned among their followers, and flames burned up the wicked.
106:19  The people made a gold calf at Mount Sinai and worshiped a metal statue.
106:20  They exchanged their glorious God for a statue of a bull that eats grass.
106:21  They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt,
106:22  who had done miracles in Egypt and amazing things by the Red Sea.
106:23  So God said he would destroy them. But Moses, his chosen one, stood before him and stopped God’s anger from destroying them.
106:24  Then they refused to go into the beautiful land of Canaan; they did not believe what God promised.
106:25  They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord.
106:26  So he swore to them that they would die in the desert.
106:27  He said their children would be killed by other nations and that they would be scattered among other countries.
106:28  They joined in worshiping Baal at Peor and ate meat that had been sacrificed to lifeless statues.
106:29  They made the Lord angry by what they did, so many people became sick with a terrible disease.
106:30  But Phinehas prayed to the Lord, and the disease stopped.
106:31  Phinehas did what was right, and it will be remembered from now on.
106:32  The people also made the Lord angry at Meribah, and Moses was in trouble because of them.
106:33  The people turned against the Spirit of God, so Moses spoke without stopping to think.
106:34  The people did not destroy the other nations as the Lord had told them to do.
106:35  Instead, they mixed with the other nations and learned their customs.
106:36  They worshiped other nations’ idols and were trapped by them.
106:37  They even killed their sons and daughters as sacrifices to demons.
106:38  They killed innocent people, their own sons and daughters, as sacrifices to the idols of Canaan. So the land was made unholy by their blood.
106:39  The people became unholy by their sins; they were unfaithful to God in what they did.
106:40  So the Lord became angry with his people and hated his own children.
106:41  He handed them over to other nations and let their enemies rule over them.
106:42  Their enemies were cruel to them and kept them under their power.
106:43  The Lord saved his people many times, but they continued to turn against him. So they became even more wicked.
106:44  But God saw their misery when he heard their cry.
106:45  He remembered his agreement with them, and he felt sorry for them because of his great love.
106:46  He caused them to be pitied by those who held them captive.
106:47  Lord our God, save us and bring us back from other nations. Then we will thank you and will gladly praise you.
106:48  Praise the Lord, the God of Israel. He always was and always will be. Let all the people say, “Amen!” Praise the Lord!