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106:1  Give thanks to Lord Jehovah, because he is good, and his grace is to eternity.
106:2  Who will tell the wonders of Lord Jehovah and will proclaim all his praises?
106:3  Blessed are they who keep his judgments and do his righteousness at all times.
106:4  Remember me, Lord Jehovah, with the pleasure of your people, and save me in your salvation!
106:5  That I may see the good of your chosen ones, I shall rejoice in your joy and I shall be glorified in your inheritance!
106:6  We have sinned with our fathers; we have gone astray and we have done wickedness.
106:7  Our fathers in Egypt did not understand your wonders and they did not remember the multitude of your graces when they contended by the waters at the Sea of Reeds.
106:8  He saved them because of his Name to show his manliness.
106:9  He rebuked The Sea of Reeds and it dried up; he walked them into the deep as into the wilderness.
106:10  He saved them from the hand of the enemy and delivered them from the hand of the oppressor.
106:11  Waters covered their oppressors and not one of them remained.
106:12  They believed his words and sang his praises.
106:13  They made haste and they forgot God and did not trust his counsel.
106:14  They lusted greatly in the wilderness and they tempted God in the desert.
106:15  He gave them their requests and sent fulness to their souls.
106:16  They were envious of Moses in the camp and of Aaron, the Holy One of Lord Jehovah.
106:17  The Earth opened and swallowed Dathan and buried over the assembly of Abiram.
106:18  A fire was kindled in their assemblies and a flame burned up the evil ones.
106:19  They made a calf in Khoreeb and worshiped the molten image.
106:20  And they changed their glory into the likeness of an ox eating grass.
106:21  And they forgot God who saved them, who did great things in Egypt
106:22  And wonders in the land of Ham and awesome deeds in the Sea of Reeds.
106:23  And he said that he would destroy them if Moses, his chosen, had not stood in the gap before him.
106:24  They despised the land of desire and they did not believe his word,
106:25  And they complained in their tents and they did not hear the voice of Lord Jehovah.
106:26  And he lifted his hand against them to destroy them among the Gentiles.
106:27  And he would scatter their seed among the Gentiles and would destroy them in the lands.
106:28  For they joined themselves to the idols of Peor and they ate the sacrifices of the dead.
106:29  And they angered him by their works and made him jealous with their idols, and he strengthened the plague against them suddenly.
106:30  Phinehas stood up and prayed and the plague was restrained.
106:31  And it was accounted to him justification for a generation of generations unto eternity.
106:32  And they angered him concerning the waters of strife and he afflicted Moses because of them.
106:33  Because they bitterly provoked his spirit and they spoke by his lips.
106:34  And they did not destroy the nations of which Lord Jehovah had spoken to them.
106:35  But they were mixed with the Gentiles and they learned their works.
106:36  And they feared their idols and they were a stumbling block to them.
106:37  For they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.
106:38  And they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was defiled with blood.
106:39  They were defiled by their works and they committed fornication with their inventions.
106:40  And the wrath of Lord Jehovah was provoked upon his people and he despised his inheritance.
106:41  He gave them over into the hand of the Gentiles and their haters were authorized over them.
106:42  And their enemies subdued them and they were subject under their hands.
106:43  Many times he delivered them and they bitterly provoked him in their minds and they were humbled in their evil.
106:44  And he saw their affliction and he heard their prayer.
106:45  And he has remembered his covenant and has shown mercy upon them and has led them according to the abundance of his grace.
106:46  And he gave them affection before all their captors.
106:47  Save us, Lord Jehovah, our God; gather us from the nations that we may confess your holy name and we shall be glorified in your inheritance.
106:48  Blessed is Lord Jehovah, The God of Israel, from eternity and unto eternity; and all the people shall say, “Amen and amen”!