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105:1  Thank the Lord for all the glorious things he does; proclaim them to the nations.
105:2  Sing his praises and tell everyone about his miracles.
105:3  Glory in the Lord; O worshipers of God, rejoice.
105:4  Search for him and for his strength, and keep on searching!
105:5  Think of the mighty deeds he did for us, his chosen ones—descendants of God’s servant Abraham, and of Jacob. Remember how he destroyed our enemies.
105:6  Think of the mighty deeds he did for us, his chosen ones—descendants of God’s servant Abraham, and of Jacob. Remember how he destroyed our enemies.
105:7  He is the Lord our God. His goodness is seen everywhere throughout the land.
105:8  Though a thousand generations pass he never forgets his promise, his covenant with Abraham and Isaac
105:9  Though a thousand generations pass he never forgets his promise, his covenant with Abraham and Isaac
105:10  and confirmed with Jacob. This is his never-ending treaty with the people of Israel: “I will give you the land of Canaan as your inheritance.”
105:11  and confirmed with Jacob. This is his never-ending treaty with the people of Israel: “I will give you the land of Canaan as your inheritance.”
105:12  He said this when they were but few in number, very few, and were only visitors in Canaan.
105:13  Later they were dispersed among the nations and were driven from one kingdom to another;
105:14  but through it all he would not let one thing be done to them apart from his decision. He destroyed many a king who tried!
105:15  “Touch not these chosen ones of mine,” he warned, “and do not hurt my prophets.”
105:16  He called for a famine on the land of Canaan, cutting off its food supply.
105:17  Then he sent Joseph as a slave to Egypt to save his people from starvation.
105:18  There in prison they hurt his feet with fetters and placed his neck in an iron collar
105:19  until God’s time finally came—how God tested his patience!
105:20  Then the king sent for him and set him free.
105:21  He was put in charge of all the king’s possessions.
105:22  At his pleasure he could imprison the king’s aides and teach the king’s advisors.
105:23  Then Jacob (Israel) arrived in Egypt and lived there with his sons.
105:24  In the years that followed, the people of Israel multiplied explosively until they were a greater nation than their rulers.
105:25  At that point God turned the Egyptians against the Israelis; they hated and enslaved them.
105:26  But God sent Moses as his representative, and Aaron with him,
105:27  to call down miracles of terror upon the land of Egypt.
105:28  They followed his instructions. He sent thick darkness through the land
105:29  and turned the nation’s water into blood, poisoning the fish.
105:30  Then frogs invaded in enormous numbers; they were found even in the king’s private rooms.
105:31  When Moses spoke, the flies and other insects swarmed in vast clouds from one end of Egypt to the other.
105:32  Instead of rain he sent down murderous hail, and lightning flashes overwhelmed the nation.
105:33  Their grapevines and fig trees were ruined; all the trees lay broken on the ground.
105:34  He spoke, and hordes of locusts came
105:35  and ate up everything green, destroying all the crops.
105:36  Then he killed the oldest child in each Egyptian home, their pride and joy—
105:37  and brought his people safely out from Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick and feeble folk among them then.
105:38  Egypt was glad when they were gone, for the dread of them was great.
105:39  He spread out a cloud above them to shield them from the burning sun and gave them a pillar of flame at night to give them light.
105:40  They asked for meat, and he sent them quail and gave them manna—bread from heaven.
105:41  He opened up a rock, and water gushed out to form a river through the dry and barren land;
105:42  for he remembered his sacred promises to Abraham his servant.
105:43  So he brought his chosen ones singing into the Promised Land.
105:44  He gave them the lands of the Gentiles, complete with their growing crops; they ate what others planted.
105:45  This was done to make them faithful and obedient to his laws. Hallelujah!