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105:1  Come, offer thanks to the Eternal; invoke His holy name. Tell other people about the things He has done.
105:2  Sing songs of praise to Him; tell stories of all His miracles.
105:3  Revel in His holy name. May the hearts of the people who seek the Eternal celebrate and experience great joy.
105:4  Seek the Eternal and His power; look to His face constantly.
105:5  Remember the wonderful things He has done, His miracles and the wise decisions He has made,
105:6  O children of Abraham, His servant; O children of Jacob, His chosen people!
105:7  He is the Eternal, our True God; His justice extends to every corner of the earth.
105:8  He keeps His covenant promises forever and remembers the word He spoke to a thousand generations—
105:9  The covenant He made with Abraham and His sworn oath to Isaac, his son.
105:10  Then God confirmed it to Jacob—decreed it so— to Israel He promised a never-ending covenant,
105:11  Saying, “I will give you the land of Canaan as your part; it will be your inheritance.”
105:12  When God’s people were only a few in number— indeed, very few—they were strangers in a foreign land.
105:13  They roamed from place to place, from one kingdom to another.
105:14  God didn’t allow anyone to tyrannize them; He rebuked kings in order to protect His people:
105:15  “Do not lay a hand on My anointed people; do not do any harm to My prophets.”
105:16  He ordered famine to grip the land and cut them off from their supply of bread.
105:17  But long before, He had sent a man ahead of them: Joseph, who had been sold into slavery.
105:18  At first, his masters shackled his feet with chains, placed his neck into a collar of iron.
105:19  That was until the Eternal’s promises came to pass; His word tested Joseph and proved him worthy.
105:20  The king sent out the order to release him from prison; the ruler of Egypt liberated him from the chains.
105:21  Then he put Joseph in charge of the royal household, made him ruler of all the royal possessions,
105:22  Allowed him to imprison the royal officials whenever he saw fit and impart wisdom to the elders in the land.
105:23  Then, when the time was right, Israel also went to Egypt; Jacob resided as an alien in the land of Ham.
105:24  And while they were there, the Eternal made His people prosperous; He made them stronger than their enemies.
105:25  He turned the Egyptians’ hearts against His people to cheat and scheme against His servants.
105:26  Then, He sent His servant Moses and Aaron, the men He had chosen.
105:27  They did all the signs He planned for them to do among the Egyptians, and they performed miracles in the land of Ham.
105:28  He sent darkness to cover the land; they did not stray from His word.
105:29  At His command, their waters turned to blood; their fish began to die.
105:30  Throngs of frogs covered the land, invading even in the chambers of their kings.
105:31  At His command, a swarm of flies arrived, and gnats came over all their land.
105:32  He caused hail to fall instead of rain; lightning flashed over all their land.
105:33  He struck their vines and their fig trees; He destroyed the trees over all their land.
105:34  At His command, locusts came; young locusts marched beyond number,
105:35  And they ate up all the plants that grew and all the fruits over their land.
105:36  He also brought death to the firstborn in all their land, the first offspring of each man.
105:37  Then He brought His people out of slavery, weighed down with silver and gold; and of all His tribes, not one of them stumbled, not one was left behind.
105:38  Egypt was glad to see them go, for Pharaoh’s people had been overcome with fear of them.
105:39  He spread out a cloud to cover His people and sent a fire to light their way at night.
105:40  They asked, and He sent them coveys of quail, satisfying their hunger with the food of heaven.
105:41  He split the rock and water poured out; it flowed like a river through the desert.
105:42  For He remembered His holy covenant with Abraham, His servant.
105:43  That’s why He rescued His people joyously and why His chosen ones celebrated with shouts and singing.
105:44  When the time was right, He gave them land from other nations so that they might possess the works of their hands,
105:45  So that they would be able to keep His commands and obey His laws. Praise the Eternal!